Ch. 23- Lovers in the Night

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"I just want to keep calling your name, until you come back home."



It seems, after everything, all of us were back to when we were a family. Except that Dad was here and that changed all of us. Christian never met him, but Sebastian and I were raised by him and Mom.

My family got our second chance, but it doesn't feel like it. It is like they are all going to die again, leaving me with my oldest brother as the only family I have. And I do not want that to happen again.

There was too many emotions, too much that I was feeling at this moment. Anger, betrayal, happiness, love, sadness. I could not get a hold of it today.

I closed my eyes, took a breath, and went in for another punch. If I couldn't handle my feelings, then I would take my mind off it by practicing my fighting skills. After the first, I kept going. I kept punching until I was sweating and the punching bag was on the floor—broken in pieces.

A door opened and I immediately realized that it was Ollie. His blue eyes and gorgeous face made my heart beat uncontrollably. He has been here since Elora died, helping out with duties here in the castle. I avoided him at all costs because I could not stand to be around him. But that did not mean I did not miss Ollie every second of the day.

I could tell he wanted to make amends for what he did, for leaving me when I needed him the most. My heart thought the opposite, though. If Elora and Grace could do it, then maybe I could. After all, I am a princess and a powerful vampire.

"Hey, El," he said at last. He wore his doctor's coat and had his arms placed around his back.

"What are you doing here?" I questioned, taking my gloves off and turning toward him.

"I could ask you the same thing," he took a step. "Shouldn't you be spending time with your family instead of punching things?"

"Well, why should I when all my parents could do is fond over Elora?"

"C'mon, you really don't believe that, do you?" he smiled. I hate when he does that. "You are their daughter, they love you more than her."

I rolled my eyes. "I have to go."

As I was about to walk out of the room, he stopped me as he placed his hand over my arm. "Wait,"

I turned around, he was inches away from me. "What do you want from me, Ollie? I told you I could never forgive you."

"I've made a lot of mistakes, Eleanor. But the biggest was ever letting you go," he admitted. "I never stopped loving you."

I couldn't handle this right now. This was too much. I did not know what I was feeling, so I simply walked out of the training room without uttering another word.


Hours later, I heard a small knock on the outside of my bedroom door. I furrowed my eyebrows as I wondered why she was here. That girl almost killed me.

Elora opened the door without my permission and walked in, her eyes immediately darting to my messy room and packets of blood on the floor. It seemed she did not care for how I was these days, but I didn't either.

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