Ch. 34- Until You Can't Breathe

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"We are stars wrapped in skin—the light you are looking for has always been within."



The demons walked out one by one, each with a knife in their hand. But I didn't dare be afraid. Not right now. I held Sebastian's hand as we watch, the leader of the army is the most unexpected—Charles and Audrey. Their demon eyes were even more gruesome and terrifying. But I didn't budge. Nor did the person right next to me.

"Is it too late to run?" I asked Sebastian, without darting away from the demons.

"I think so, I have no energy to run anymore," he admitted. Swear rolled down my back as the summer heat got the best of me. "Plus, it is only you that can destroy them. At least, until Jasper gets here."

Behind Sebastian's demonic parents, there was my own. They had the same eyes as the rest of them and it took a moment to realize it. But I wouldn't have been surprised, they came back alive too. And it looked like more of them was possessed. All of them were vampires.
This was going to be a tough fight.

"Just please cover me," I told him. "I will do my best to defeat them."

"I will be beside you, always and forever," he said at last.

The demons were ten feet away, all standing in perfect rows. It was similar to the last battle with the witches--but so much different. This, we didn't see coming. We were ready then, but now we don't even have weapons. And it was only two people fighting this time, the King and future Queen.

"If you two think you can defeat us, you are dead wrong," Audrey claimed, her face holding a deadly smile. "We have been waiting for centuries to be let out of Hell."

"And that's where all of you are going when we are done with you," Sebastian started to say. "At least, when Elora is done with you, that is."

"I am offering all of you a chance to get out of your bodies before I make you do," I seethed. "I will destroy you from the inside and smile while doing it."

"And why should I be scared of a little girl?" said demonic Charles, laughing at his own words as if it were some sort of joke. "Honestly, I've seen way more powerful people than you two." And then I couldn't focus on anything except for the anger that took hold of me like a forest fire. I let it control me because my anger was the source of my power. My emotions were, whether I felt sad or happy, or mad.

So, I closed my eyes at once, letting it all come. Everything that I kept bottled up all my life was now to the surface. I still held Sebastian's hand, but I felt him wince it away as the power surged through my skin.

I screamed as I raised my hand at the demons, releasing the powers that the Earth gave to me when I was born.


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