Ch. 26- Let Me Fall

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"Haven't I fallen far enough?" 


I did not want to try anymore. Or live. This was my best option and I don't think anyone would convince me otherwise. If I had to live with someone else inside my head, it would be a life not worth living. I finally wanted to give up, to not fight the inevitable. Two birds with one stone, I suppose. 

Tears were streaming down my eyes as I held Sebastian's stare. He knew I was thinking but I knew he was going to say something that made me step off this edge. Sebastian just loves to save me from everything. 

"Elora, I know how much you're in pain right now and that you think nothing will change," he started to say. "But killing yourself just to kill her is not the answer. There is another way." His voice shook, too scared to lose me again. Blood-red tears were streaming down his face and it made me realize that we are really different. 

"You really don't, Sebastian. If you would, you would be up here next to me," I said. "Segovia ruined my life, and this is the best way to ruin hers." 

Then, Christian took a step and I could see his blue eyes through the pale moonlight. My first friend when I was turned into a vampire. The one I just got back. "Elora, I know who you are. We all do," I saw as Ellie, Grace, Jasper, and Jax come out of the shadows. They stood there, unable to do anything. Anyone of them except for Jax could take me off this edge, but they didn't. "You are a survivor. You fight and you fight, and you never once stopped." 

"I had to fight. I had to survive because you wanted me to," I took a breath through my tears. "I don't want to anymore."

"One more time, El," said Jax. "I was there when your parents died; when you first became a vampire and when you finally became what you truly were meant to be. If you can fight hard enough one last time, then I promise you don't have to anymore." 

"Everyone in front of you loves you very much," Sebastian muttered. "We are telling you to get down off of that ledge and help you defeat her. You do not have to go through it alone anymore." 

And at that moment, I was going to go towards him. But my feet took me to a different place. Of the ledge and into the air. Segovia took control of me and made me fall. "No!" I heard Sebastian yell as my body was falling at a rapid speed. I did not know if I was going to survive. It felt as if I were flying, but I wasn't. I closed my eyes and let the unknown come back to me again.

A body slammed against me as if someone caught me from falling. I was so close to the ground, to crashing against the concrete and breaking every bone in my body. But I was saved. Yet again. Sebastian was panting, his heart beating too fast for him to catch up. I opened my eyes as both of us were laying on the ground, not being able to say or do anything. 

"You should have let me fall." I said to him at once. 


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