Ch. 31- Trickery

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"There is hope. Therefore, there is a chance of life." 


I crossed my arms, listening intently to my brother Jasper. He was the sole reason behind Sebastian dying and bringing me back to life. "The Red Book told me the spell to bring you back in my head, and I'm guessing it was because I grew up with Agnes. The Book recognized me, so it knew to trust me with such a powerful spell." 

"Okay, that makes sense," I started to say. "But why would you want to do it in the first place? Shouldn't you have known what the consequences were?"

He let out a breath. We were the ones in the room, him leaning on the desk behind me while I sat on top of the bed. "When it spoke in my mind, it told there wouldn't be. That this spell was harmless to living creatures." 

"Jasper, that was a riddle!" I exclaimed. "It's only harmless to living creatures, such as you and me. But Sebastian is a vampire, he is an undead creature." 

I saw as Jasper put a hand on his head, not realizing what it would mean before-hand. "Shit. I didn't know." 

Jasper couldn't have known the meaning behind the Red Book's words. He was still young and yet it took advantage of my brother. I realized there could many dangerous people that could try to do it, that he will be convinced to use his powers for bad instead of good. And that scared the hell out of me. 

"You couldn't possibly have known it was a trick," I stepped out of bed. "Nor Sebastian." 

It couldn't be true. Sebastian could not be dying on me because of the choices he made to save me. I would not allow it. Not when both of us have been through so much together than for him to die of old age. 

While I was speaking with my brother, Sebastian was talking to Thomas about what happened last night. I didn't want him to do anything that could make him tired, but he insisted that he was fine. Which drove me mad, to say the least. 

"Is there anything in the Book that reverses the symptoms?" I questioned. 

"Not when you want to reverse the entire spell," he blurted out. "Elora, don't even think about doing that." 

I put my hands in the air, unable to control my anger. "Well, what else am I supposed to do to save him?" I rose my voice. "I can't let him die!" 

"You know I love Sebastian, he's like a brother to me. But have you stopped to think that maybe we cannot save him this time? That maybe it is just his time to die?" 

I nodded my head. "No, I refuse to think that. If there is a tiny amount of hope that I can save him, I will. He is the one that saved me so many times, I owe it to him to at least try to get his immortality back." 

No matter the cost. 


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