Ch. 39- From Death to Life

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"The words are lovely, dark and deep. But I have promises to keep. And miles to go before I sleep. And miles to go before I sleep."


I stumbled my way toward the person that I love. The one that I was marrying and my best friend. I fell down next to him as his eyes were closed and his skin was pale.

"Sebastian!" I cried. Ellie and Christian sank down next to him as they had a fearful look on their faces. Just like mine.

"His body is shutting down," Ellie confessed. "Every time he used his vampire powers, he became closer to death," A tear jerked down her cheek and I had to focus as she said her next words. "Sebastian is going to die."

I refused to believe it. "No, he is not dying. Not when we won today." I turned toward him again, staring at his beautiful face even though he was slowly aging for some time. To me, he would always look as young and breathtaking as he did when I first met him. And then I got an idea. Acting fast, I placed both of my hands on Sebastian's heart. It was faint which made it terrifying to me. If I had electricity in my hands, it would make him wake up. At least, that what I thought.

"What are you doing?" Christian questioned me. I noticed everyone surrounded us now, the werewolves, Fae, and our loved ones. Audrey and Charles were right next to Christian, who looked more scared of losing their oldest son than anything else. They were vampires and had centuries to not be afraid, but this is the first time they looked utterly human. Grace and Jasper stood next to each other, hand in hand.

And my parents, well, they were as confused as ever. They didn't know where they were and when they spotted Sebastian unconscious, they had to fight back joy. My parents got their wish-- their only daughter wasn't going to end up with a savage vampire. I didn't need to think about them right now, I had to save the love of my life.

"I'm making his heart start again." I said, at last, glancing at him for a few seconds before concentrating back on the task at hand.

My body surged with the same blue light as before, power coming out of my two hands. His body moved a little bit and a second later I heard him gasp for air. Sebastian was awake now, his eyes wide open and confused. "Brother, are you okay?" Ellie asked with fear in her voice.

"I don't have a lot of time," he whispered, trying to fight his own body. "I need to say my goodbyes before I go."

Tears streamed down my face as he glanced at me, his midnight eyes staring right into my soul. He read my mind, which made this whole situation awful. I was so close to him now, my hands back to normal and on his cheek that had spots of blood on it.

He was right, of course. Sebastian was always right. We didn't have a lot of time together, and I had to say goodbye to the one person whom I called home.

Sebastian turned his head toward his siblings. "Eleanor, you know me more than I know myself. We fought a lot when we were growing up and we still do, but I still love you more than anything. You were always more strong than I was and I hope you find someone as great as you are. I love you, sister."

Ellie was crying. We all were as he muttered those words to her. "Please don't go," she sobbed. "I need my big brother to fight with and joke about. I love you."

"Don't let anyone get you down, okay? This kingdom needs to have strong women ruling for them," he turned toward his little brother. "I remember when you were born, Christian, and I never imagined that you would turn into such a man that I aspired to be. I made many mistakes and I know you hated me because of them. I hope I earned your forgiveness, little brother."

Red tears streamed down Sebastian's face as the new reality stepped in. "You thought that I died hating you and you spent so many months beating yourself up about it," Christian said with blood-colored tears streaming down his cheek. "But in truth, I never hated you, Sebastian. You are my brother and I never got the chance to grow up with you but I wish we did. I love you and you will always be remembered for what you are. A selfless King."

"Promise me something," he said to his siblings. Both of them looked as if they were ready to explode with grief as they wondered what he was going to say next. "Watch out for my girl for me. She is going to need both of you while I'm gone."

They both nodded their heads and I tried to stop the tears from coming down, but I couldn't. This was grief that I wish I wouldn't feel again. Sebastian turned toward me again, giving me a pained smile. "Elora," he started speaking to me. Once he said my name, I knew I couldn't control my sobs. "Baby, you know I don't want to leave you alone. And I apologize for that. But I have to confess something," he coughed loudly and I saw as blood was on his hand.  "I loved you before I met you and I loved you, even more, when I learned who you are. But I am grateful to have existed at the same time as you, Elora Miller. Remember, when you are feeling hopeless and full of despair or on top of the world, I will be right beside you. You are by far the greatest thing to ever come out of my 500 years on this Earth. I love you with all my heart." 

"From death to life," I whispered.

He placed his bloody hand on my cheek one last time, caressing it gently. Not more than a minute later, it fell to the ground.

And Sebastian was dead.


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