Ch. 9- A Little Death

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"No more let life divide what death can join together." - penny dreadful


We were back to where it all started. Back to where the first-living vampires ever existed and where I grew up. We were back at the castle. And I wanted nothing more for wish I were not here. There was so many memories that I wish to forget.

I stared at the Red Book that lay on the wooden table in front of me. There was the witches symbol in the front, a star outside a circle. The pages were thick and I turned a page slowly. This book, it was the key to everything life and death have to offer. The person that had this one object could destroy the world if they wanted to. It was that powerful.

It was not even a day that Grace stole the book from the witches and everyone wants to know what I will do with it. But I already know what I am going to do. I am bringing every person back from the dead that I love.

There was only one person I need to talk to before I do. I need Jasper here so he can help me with it. He's the only other Fae I know that can do the spell.

At last, someone came knocking on my bedroom door. I closed the book finally and set it to the side. When I opened the door, I was surprised to see it was Jackson in the doorway. He looked ruffled to say the least and his eyes were dimmed by tiredness. "Well, you look rough." I said by way of greeting.

"I came here to ask you a question." he said with defiance.

"So does everyone else." I sighed, waving my hand to let him in. "By all means, ask away."

He walked in as he pushed past me. I turned around to face him. "What are you planning to do with Elora?" he asked, eyeing the book and then me.

I took a deep breath. Of course he wanted to ask me that. "You already know what I'm going to do. I'm bringing her back from the dead."

"Do you have any consideration of how she would feel about that? She will not allow you doing this."

I stared at him. "Do you want your best friend back or not? Do you not want her parents back? Because I do! I want my mother and father to be alive again. I want my younger brother hating me again instead of this grief." I took a breath, my voice now a whisper. "This book will do all that."

Jackson lowered his head. "This is too dangerous." He murmured.

"I'm a vampire, my whole life is dangerous." I said. "You can go now."

As he was about to leave my room, I stopped him. "Oh, and call up Jasper, will you? I need him here for this."

All he did was nod his head before closing the door behind him.

I will get them back, or I will die trying. I said to myself before sitting down and opening the book again.


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