Ch. 7- Death Is a Lovely Word

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"Whatever our souls are made of, her and mine are the same."


"So is there anything I need to know before I meet these friends of yours?" I asked. I never liked going somewhere without finding out who and where I'm going. It's a precaution for the royal like myself. You never know when some no brain creature might assassinate me. I looked over to Kellan and raised an eyebrow. "Like if they are murderous vampires trying to take over the world?"

He smiled as he shook his head, making his black locks fall over his face. "My friends --" he said slowly. "--may be immortal but they do not kill for sport. Well, they help me out whenever I get a new job."

"Hmm." I mumbled. All I could think of was if these people would be willing to help me. If they could help me bring Elora back to life. I looked out the window as I realized that the car parked in front of a country house in the outskirts of Ambrosia. 

I looked over to Kellan again and wondered how this young kid could be so powerful to get a house in my city. Every single vampire in the world would love to get one because of how close they are to the castle, and yet he owns one. I turned my head without saying anything and stepped out the car.

The grass under my feet were summer green even in the middle of winter, thanks to the help of the magic of the eternal city. But the sky above me was grey that made it look like it was either going to rain or snow. I don't know these days. There was a cobblestone that led up to the house, and I silently followed the snake beside him.

As we walked to the front door, I examined my surroundings by using my heightened hearing. But I realized that these people — Kellan's friends — were talking about me.

They suddenly stopped when Kellan opened the door. He let me walk in first —him coming in after me and closing the door behind.

The first one I noticed was a female with honey-colored hair that ended just below her shoulders. She looked me over with an intense boredom that I had no clue if she knew who I was. Or if she cared. This girl had a glass of both champagne and blood right next to her.

There was two other males in the room, one with hair white as snow and a smirk that made me want to beat him up and other with a shade of brown almost like the color of a pine cone. He had blue eyes so deep it was like staring at the ocean without knowing if it was going to drown you.

"I'm assuming you are Kellan's friends?" I asked the three of them.

The girl laughed at that. "Friend is an understatement." She looked at my friend with hatred but respect for him. "I consider him to be an asshole but that's just my opinion."

"Oh c'mon, I know you love me." Kellan said.

She raised an eyebrow. "Immensely."

He turned to me and smiled. "That would be Mairi. She doesn't care for me much."

"My sister would say the same."

He continued, pointing at the white-haired boy sitting at a table in the corner. "That would be Emrys," Then he gestured toward the other quiet one next to him. "And that's Theodore."

Emrys stood up and walked over to me and the snake. "Kellan you introduced me to a lot of people over the years, but never the King of Ambrosia! I mean he could have me killed for anything!" he said enthusiastically.

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