Ch. 14- Never Letting You Go

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"So is it better to be a monster with a heart or a human without a soul? You tell me sweetheart; you've been both at the same time."


It seems that even resurrection cannot stop my nightmares. I wonder if she will never leave, making me slowly go mad. But it's not right. She shouldn't be in my head, but she is and it is one of the downsides of being alive again.

Sebastian lay next to me, his bottom half only covered by a silk sheet. My lips formed a tight line as I admired his peaceful beauty. Sometimes I wonder what his life would have been like if he hadn't met me. What would he be? Would he be the monster that he says he is? Or would he be happy? What if his family was alive again? Would he truly be at peace? I have so many questions but I don't want him to know. I wouldn't even know what to say if I was being honest.

I reached toward him and kissed his shoulder gently. His skin was warm and soft against my lips, so I moved to kiss his cheek. He turned his body to face me, his eyes still half closed. "Good morning, love," he says in a sleepy voice. "How did you sleep?"

"As well as someone who was once dead." I chuckled. He opened his eyes fully and gave me a stern look. "What? I have to at least joke about it."

"It seems that you are turning into Jackson, my love." A pause. "I'm not sure how I feel about that."

I smiled but it didn't last. "I have a question to ask you." His eyebrows narrowed. Sebastian was quiet, which led me to believe that he is allowing me to speak. As always. "Why did you do what you did? Why couldn't you move on from me?"

A sigh. That was no good. But then he tucked a strand of hair behind my hair and gazed at me like I was some sort of piece of artwork. "I couldn't move on because you're so important to me. Because the first time I looked into your eyes, I knew I wanted to look at them forever. Because if I did, then I would see you in every girl I come across. It wouldn't be fair."

"What if we haven't met, Sebastian?" I asked hesitantly.

"If I hadn't met you, Elora, I would be roaming the Earth wondering why I was here. My life wouldn't be as great as it is right at this moment," he confessed. "I am never letting you go. Not again."

"I love you, Sebastian Breevort."

"I love you too, my Queen."

I snuggled next to him and closed my eyes. Being in his arms made me feel safe and secure, and it made me fall right asleep to his soft breathing.


sorry, it's a short chapter but I felt like you guys needed a little one on one time of Selora, just talking and confessing their feelings. It's what you guys deserve.

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