Ch. 35- Take Them Down

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"I will find a way, or I will make one." 



I blasted them with the blue light, burning their skin as if it were the sun. And a part of it was. Demons ran toward us now, their weapons in their hands. Sebastian protected me and I used my hands again, bursting with power. I will not fall. I will not fail. I will fight until my very last breath in my chest. 

Minutes went by, and I was growing tired. Demons were falling to their knees as they got caught in the blue light one by one. The light was fading second after second, and they were advancing on the King. I could not let that happen. 

And it was as if it were a miracle because Jasper stood beside me, using his powers on the demons alongside me. He smiled at me as he said, "I thought you could need some help." Brother and sister, together again. 

"Took you long enough, brother." I let out a breath. 

"We're here, now." he said at last. And what I saw was Ellie, Christian, and Grace fighting where the blue light didn't touch them. Sebastian, too as he was now trying to cover both of us. I worried about the most at this moment because I couldn't help but think he is going to die any minute now. 

At the corner of my eye, I saw Ellie use both of her swords on a demon. She sliced it's head off as it were a piece of fruit. Blood sprayed on her face and I had to fight back vomit forming in my throat. She was graceful as if the battle was made for her.

Jasper and I let our light flow back to our hands at once as we needed to work on taking the demons out of our parents. "Elora!" screamed Sebastian from behind. I turned as he threw a blade at me, my hand catching it in one second. 

I nodded my head slightly, acknowledging what he did. "Watch your back, or I am going to have to kill you if you get injured." I said. Both of us knew the taste of war and we have said enough goodbyes to last a lifetime. We just couldn't say those words at the moment. 

"Don't die again, love." he said before disappearing into the battle. We were outnumbered by a lot and there was a great chance that we were going to lose. I couldn't deny it but we needed help. A lot of help. 

This goes beyond my brother and me. 

I used my silver blade to defend myself, and Jasper had his which he got from the ground. I saw as Sebastian was on his knees a few feet away from me, a demon ready to strike him in the chest. I ran toward him at full speed, willing to do everything to keep him from dying.  

I stabbed the demon in the back, and they fell to the ground in front of me, bleeding out. "What am I going to do with you?" I asked him. 

"Marry me." he smiled. "Have my children." 

I didn't have time to say anything else because I saw Audrey running toward us, and we had to act fast. Sebastian got on his knees again, and I wondered what he was planning to do. "Here, you might need some help if you want to get rid of the demon inside my mother. Hurry!" he said. "Jump on my shoulders and do what you do best, Elora." 

And so I did. I jumped onto his shoulders and flew in the air, the Earth protecting me at all costs. As I placed my feet to the ground, I used my powers to choke the life out of the demon inside my future mother-in-law. 

It took only moments before she was on the ground and black smoke was coming out of her mouth. Once it was all out, I crumpled the smoke until it was nothing. It was no easy thing, but I did it anyway. 

Once I got rid of the demon, it didn't take long before she glanced at me with a questionable look. And a second later, another demon advanced toward me, ready to drive a knife through my stomach. They tripped me to the ground, the demon towering over me. It was a man but it was also a monster hell-bent on killing me. 

And that was someone got in the way and used their powers to kill him. I was panting as I realized it was a girl and she had the same pointy ears like me. She had short, blonde hair and her eyes were the color of honey. 

I stared at her with disbelief while she only smiled. 

Another Fae?


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