Ch. 36- The Fae & Everything In Between

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"I died and was born in the spring. I found you, and loved you, again."



I have never seen this girl before. I really thought that the only Fae that was left was my family, but that seemed to be untrue. It wasn't just her, though, I saw as there about a hundred more Fae just like me. They used their powers, some of them have different colors like green or purple. I had to take a deep breath so I would calm down, but it seemed I couldn't catch my breath. 

The blonde Fae put her hand out, helping me get up. When I touched her, I felt sensation I have only felt one time-- when I figured out that Jasper was just like me. "I thought you could need help," the girl said, still holding her twisted smile. 

"Who are you?" I asked. 

"I heard about you, Elora Miller," she started to say when a demon came charging toward us. With one flick of a hand, the demon was on the ground, gasping for air. The girl's hand turned into a fist and black smoke came out and disappeared into the sky. "We all did. We thought you would need a lot of help with defeating these nasty little things," 

I nodded my head. "Thanks, but I don't even know you." 

"Forgive me for my rudeness, Elora. I'm Mab," she said. She was young-looking and she wore an all-white armor, while I only wore jeans and a t-shirt with converse. Mab was enchanting and scary at the same time. "I brought others to fight with you if you don't mind." 

And as she said that, the werewolves came running toward the battle, snarling at the demons and ready to kill with one blow. One by one, wolves jumped on the demons and bit their heads off. Behind me stood Audrey, fully herself now. A second later, Sebastian was right next to me and he had a wild look on his face. "What happened, Elora? he asked me, glancing at Mab in front of me. 

"We got help," I said, with a small grin on my face. "A lot of it." 

He noticed her features, her pointy ears, and the same abilities as mine. Then he realized what she was, and many more that were fighting in the battle. "You are Sebastian, right?" Mab asked, taking her hand out. "The Vampire King of Ambrosia?" 

"Yes," he spoke, shaking Mab's hand in a civil manner. "And let me thank you for coming here today to fight with us. I thought the Fae were no more." 

Her head went up in the air. "The ones who survived had to hide. Surely, you know our history and the reasons behind it." 

"We will speak later, Mab," Sebastian said at once. "But now, we need to help everyone with these creatures." 

A minute later, Sebastian and I stood next to each other. Both of us had blades in our hands as his mother and Mab were behind us. Audrey seemed to realize quickly what was happening because she picked up a blade that was left on the floor and began fighting. Sebastian and I fought demons together as if were music, him using his great strength while I used my light. 

The werewolves and vampires fought side to side, and even the Fae uses their weapons against the demons. But it felt as if they kept coming every minute because we would kill a lot of them and more enter the battlefield. 

I turned around quickly and that was when horror struck my face as if I saw a ghost. I thought she was dead, I thought all of them were. 

Segovia walked toward the battle, in a black dress as she has her body back. She looked exactly like me and it was shocking to see her right in front of me now instead of in my head. Beside her was her father and brother, who put the curse in me and made me sacrifice myself. And right next to her brother, Ben, was someone I didn't think would be here because she was dead. I killed her with my bare hands. 

Agnes was alive again and right next to her was Charles. 

They were both demons. 

And behind them, were my parents. 


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