Ch. 37- For Ages to Come

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"And if beauty is terror, then what is desire?  We only have one. To live."  -The Secret History


The battle stopped at once like they held some sort of power over the demons. All of them being alive was unbelievable, the worst of my nightmares coming true. I just stood there, blood and sweat covering my body with a blade in my hand. I glanced at Sebastian as though we were about to lose. We were going to die. He placed a hand in mine, wanting so badly to feel his touch. 

Segovia looked straight at us, her eyes lingering on our hands. She was close to us but still so far away, I had to fight my heart from beating rapidly. But it was Charles who spoke first, making me wonder if there wasn't an ordinary demon in him. What if it was...

No. That couldn't be possible. 

"Demons, let your weapons down," he said. "We need to talk." 

They obeyed and dropped all of their blades and swords on the floor. They backed away from us and all of us that were fighting them held a confused look. We could not anything except for stand because we did not know what was going to happen. "Now, Elora, do you know why we are here?" Charles asked me.

Everyone turned their heads to me. I clenched my teeth being addressed in such a manner. "Let me guess, kill me?" I rolled my eyes. 

"You are funny, little Fae," he laughed. "No, actually the opposite." Charles took a step toward us, stepping out of the line that they formed to make an entrance. And they sure as hell did. "You see when you first died, I realized I wanted you for my own. I watched as you fought everyone that got in your way, including my fellow companions beside me." 

My eyes narrowed. "Who do you think you are? You can't just come here and tell me you want me for whatever terrible plans you have." 

 "You might want to change your mind when you hear my real name. Or what many call me in Hell." Charles laughed again. 

"The Angel that fell from Heaven," Sebastian whispered behind me. "Lucifer or as many people call him-- Satan."

Charles-- or Satan-- clasped his hands together. "That's right, vampire. I am the ruler of Hell and I came here because I wanted to see why this girl keeps getting out of my grasp." He turned toward Sebastian and a chill went through my body. "And I see the reason why." 

Sebastian was in front of me, holding more anger than I have ever seen him. "You are never going to get her for whatever you have planned," he growled. "As you've seen, there are hundreds of us who will do anything to protect her. Not to mention that you trespassed on my property so I have every reason to tear you limb from limb." 

"Now when I am in this body, that is," the devil argued. "And I have no desire to fight you, vampire, you are already getting what's coming to you." 

I stepped forward, placing a hand on Sebastian. "So every time I died or nearly killed, you were the cause of it?" I asked him. "You had these people try and kill me?" 

"It was the only way to get you," he admitted. 

I paused, took a breath. "When are you going to realize that I am nothing special to you? If you want me, then go for Segovia. She looks like me and she can be good at playing me. That was before a friend of mine killed her, of course. And bringing my old enemies back was low, even for you, Satan," I said the last word in a mocking way. "And if you think you can threaten me by holding my parents hostage, you got another thing coming." 

"Oh, darling, I sure have missed you," Agnes finally spoke, her teeth showing widely in a grin. "Its been a long time."

"Of course, when you died finally four months ago, I thought for sure you were going to be with me," the Devil went on. "But you were trapped in oblivion and there was no way of getting you out of there." 

I was angry, angrier than I ever was. "Will you shut up? I am never going to be yours nor will I ever be." Everyone stared at me with disbelief as I just told the Devil to be quiet. I kept speaking. "I don't care what the reasons why you want me or why you're here right now. But if you don't go to where you belong, I will have to do my worse on you." 

"What are you going to do? Kill me? I'm sorry, but you can't kill a god." he smiled. 

"Then, I'll have to try." I said at last. I ran to him at full speed, faster than my legs could go and punched him right in the jaw. He fell down to his knees as everyone gasped, while I used my powers to choke him. 

And a second later, Agnes mumbled something in a different language and I was flying in the air away from everyone. 

"Kill all of them!" yelled the Devil finally. 


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