Ch. 40- Is This Forever?

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"Please tell him that when the sun goes down I think of him. Please tell him, that I will never forget the sound of his voice calling my name. And please, let him know that he lives in my heart and that everywhere I go, I always see his face."


I cried. I sobbed and I sobbed until I couldn't breathe right. I tried waking him up, but it was no use. He was dead. Sebastian was dead right in front of me and I did nothing to try to save him. He left this world without me by his side.

My head was on his chest and I couldn't feel his breathing anymore. But I didn't care. I wanted to stay here beside him until we were nothing but dust below us. My eyes were closed as I remembered every single moment with Sebastian. The first time we met on the street in New Orleans, to when I first got to know him. Our first kiss in my room and when he first told me he loved me. I remembered the moment I first knew I loved him. I couldn't forget it even if I tried. I couldn't forget the words he said before I died, how he wanted so badly to be his wife and Queen. Oh, Sebastian, I wish I could be. Yes we argued and we made each other angry, but I loved him more than our stupid fights.

"Ellie, Christian, back up from them," Charles demanded to his children who were still alive. I felt their presence leave us as I ignored all of them, my grief was in control of everything I am. And I let it control me as tears slid down my face and onto his shirt. This wasn't how it was supposed to end. I was supposed to marry Sebastian and we were supposed to raise our children. We were supposed to have eternity together.

But we didn't.

What came grief came uncontrollable power. I stopped fighting and let it take hold of me. I wanted so badly to give up everything and everyone. "You can't be dead," I whispered for no one to hear except for him. Sebastian couldn't hear me but I really wanted him to speak to me again.

A minute went by, and I felt the same heartbeat that I recognized so clearly. It rose and fell at a steady pace and I opened my eyes with a startle. "I am alive," he mumbled. I stared at me with disbelief as he slowly opened his eyes, the color of the night sky twinkling in the summer sun.

I glanced around me, and every single Fae that fought with me were using their powers to bring Sebastian back to life. My brother, too, used his power to help him. Even I was without realizing it, and I had to fight back tears of joy. They all fell to their knees at doing so made them exhausted. Which is what I felt, also.

I didn't know what to focus on, that Sebastian was alive or that my own kind was willing to bring him back to me even though we didn't know each other. Mab was behind me and she placed a hand on my shoulder, making me turn around to face her. "Only once will you find a love like that, Elora Miller. He's your missing piece and you both found each other after everything you two have been through," she told me, her mouth forming a thin line. "I hope you find a life you always wanted with him."

"Thank you," I said somberly. There was no enough words to say how grateful I am for her and the Fae. She turned around to leave, but I stopped her. "Wait," I blurted out, making her face me again. "Do you want to come to the wedding?"

She smiled genuinely as she was silent for only a moment. "I will come." Mab and the rest of the Fae left and into the woods, the werewolves right next to them. We all watched them go and when they were gone from sight, I turned to face Sebastian.

"You're alive," I cried to him. He lifted himself up so that he was sitting up, his face as young as before. He was back to normal, his tanned skin glowing in the sun and his hair messy from blood and sweat.

I embraced him with both arms, my heart beating out of my chest. He was alive, I could hear his breathing. I got him back. As I hugged him, I felt his hand wrap around my back. I squeezed him closer to me, wanting to never let him go. Not ever.

"Don't ever let me go, okay?" I whispered, my voice rough from crying so much.

"Never," he whispered finally. "Never again."


A few hours passed since the battle and Sebastian and I were in our bed. The demons did not get upstairs, so none of our rooms were broken into and I was glad of it. Grace tucked me in as Ellie tucked Sebastian into our bed. "I will get everything under control. Both of you need to rest." Ellie demanded. I was left with a broken leg and a couple of cracked ribs, and Sebastian still felt like he was dead. It was how I felt when I was brought back to life, so he needed some time to feel back to normal.

Sebastian's parents stood in the room, silent as if they didn't know what to say. Christian and Jasper were in here, too, along with Margot and Jax. My parents left as soon as the realized that Sebastian was alive. Good riddance. Everyone that I loved was here and I couldn't stop myself from smiling.

I didn't have to fight anymore.

"Thanks, Ellie," Sebastian said. "For everything." Both of us looked at each other, wanting so badly to be alone. This was our family, I thought. They were willing to do anything for us, which we greatly appreciated. We were messy, complicated, but in the end, we loved each other. And that is what mattered.

"They need to rest," Ellie said to the rest that was in the room with us. "I'm sorry but all of you need to get out."

I tried my best not to laugh because Ellie being like this made me joyous. They obeyed, all of them wishing us to get better soon while we thanked them one by one. When they were gone, including Ellie and Grace, we finally turned toward each other now.

I placed my head on his chest, wanting to hear his heartbeat again. Wanting to know this wasn't a dream and he was actually alive. "I was thinking," he drawled.

"What?" I asked.

"I was thinking of passing a new law," he admitted. "Making any vampire illegal to feed on a Fae. If they do, it will punishable by death. What do you think of it?"

I sat up and looked at him in the eyes. I kept quiet, trying to think of what he was saying. What this meant and how important it is for me. After a while, I spoke. "I think that I love you. And you are using your power for good and trying to make the world a better place. This is the first step to a world full of peace and I can't wait to see what is in store for us."

He smiled. "I knew you would say that."

I went quiet, my thoughts too powerful for me to speak. He noticed and narrowed his eyes. "What are you thinking about, darling?"

I placed my hand in his, wanting to feel his warm touch on my skin. Then, I started crying, unable to hold any of my emotions inside. "I never want to lose you again, Sebastian. Please tell me this is forever. Please tell me that you will be right beside me through our immortal life and you won't ever let me go. Tell me that we have a bright future and we will live a long and happy life."

In a second, he placed his hands on either side of my face, looking at me straight in the eye. "I am not going anywhere as long as I live, Elora. Every night, I will come home to you because you are my home. We will have a long life full of happiness and joy. We will change the world, you and I, and when the Earth is nothing but destruction will we be together in oblivion. I vow to you that this is the first to our very long lives together. This is forever."

"From death to life." I said at once.

"From death to life." he said finally. Sebastian placed his lips on mine, soft and gentle to the touch. And I believe everything he said. This is love, this is peace--

This is life.


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