Ch. 25- I Can't Take This Anymore

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"I always have this grave, unbelievable death on my heart."


It was true. All of it. Segovia was back and she was going to destroy me from the inside out. And maybe a part of me wants to let her...

I didn't know where I was going, but I had to get out of that castle. There were too many people who knew me and there was so much death and pain in those walls. No one would know that I left, but I didn't need them to know. I was my own person and was capable of walking on my own without another person beside me.

It was a breezy, summer night and all I could focus on was that another person in my head. She could hear my thoughts and I did not know what to do. No one else has experienced this nor have to live through it like I do. It's only a matter of time before she shows up again.

Through the woods, I saw glowing red eyes through the darkness. I knew who, or what, they belong to. Thomas. I smiled, not seeing him since the last time. He transformed into a man and walked up to me. "I thought you were dead?" he asked.

"Was. Not anymore," I told him at once.

"I can tell," he murmured as his eyes drifted to my pointy ears. "You sure have changed a lot since the last time, Elora Miller."

"And a lot it has been, Thomas," I said. "But not nearly as different." Thomas tilted his head to the side, unable to decipher what I just said. Oh, no. I realize that my hair was in flames and it was the last thing I saw before everything went black.

I laughed. It's been a long time since I seen that werewolf boy, Thomas. Yes, vampires are great in bed, but werewolves are even better. It was not only Sebastian who I seduced...

"What?" he asked.

"Honestly, Thomas, did you really think history would repeat itself? Do you really believe sweet little Elora would fall for you?" I said, adding pleasure to my words. "I can hear her thoughts and her only thoughts are Sebastian."

He growled. "Segovia."

"You should know better than to cross me," I spat. "I will make sure you suffer."

"The last time I checked, you are outnumbered. My wolves are stronger and faster than you."

"But not as powerful as I am." In just a moment I used my powers, or Elora's, and flashed it in his eyes like a poison. He fell to the ground, holding his face and screaming in pain.

I walked away with nothing but a smirk on my face.


I didn't know where I was. I was out of the woods and I heard the city of Ambrosia just miles away. Truth is, I didn't care anymore. If I lived or died, it did not really matter to me.

Hours went by, and I finally got to the city, with buildings and streets that held vampires of all kinds. This was not safe, and I knew it. It was the most dangerous place to be for a Fae like myself.

I hid in the shadows, wanting nothing more to not be recognized. But I knew the ways of vampires, I was once one of them. They could smell my blood from miles away if they could.

Nobody cares about you. You are weak and it is better if you were still dead.

Maybe Segovia was right. Maybe it would be better if I was still in that crypt, rotting away to nothing but dust.

The next thing I know, I was on top of one of the highest building of Ambrosia. I did not know how I got here but the wind was blowing my hair around in different places as I looked down at the street below me. I was on the edge, inched away from falling to the ground...

How did I get here?

And then a voice spoke from behind me. A male voice. I turned around to see Sebastian, a fearful look on his face. As if he was so close to dying but did not want to.

"Please, don't do this."


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