Ch. 13- I Have You

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"I wasn't a human after you left. But I wasn't one when you were here, either." 



I had no idea what just happened. The last thing I knew was yelling at Ellie and the next, I was being held down by Sebastian as his eyes held a tiny bit of fear in them. He was pale and I turned to see that Ellie was pale too. "What is going on?" I asked. Both of them said nothing. They just stared at me and I couldn't anything but stare back. "Sebastian?" 

He snapped out of whatever state he was in and looked at me in the eye. I narrowed my eyes as I waited for him to speak. "What?" he said in a tone that made me wince. 

"Can you tell me what's going on?" I asked again, although I wasn't sure he was going to answer. 

"It's nothing. You went into a state and tried to kill my sister. But luckily I was here to get in the middle of the catfight." he smiled. And just like that, his fear and disbelief were gone. He was back to being that charismatic man that annoys me at times. 

He slumped his shoulder over me and guided me out of the hallway. "Come here, there is something I've been wanting to do to you for a while and now I have the chance," I looked behind me as we walked and saw that Ellie frozen where I left her. "It's been a while since you brought me to my knees." 

It was then that I turned my head to look at Sebastian, my lips a thin line. "That was because I was dead." 

He smiled back at me. "You're back now and I am allowing you to do whatever you want with me. Anything you desire, it is yours." 

We arrived in his room and the bed was made thanks to one of the maids and the sun was still shining. After everything that happened, I have preceded into his room because I didn't want to be with anyone else. Although I wanted to see my brother and Grace, I spent months without Sebastian and it was hell. But now wasn't the time to think about that. He moved me to the neatly made bed that had the most comfortable black satin sheets and comforter to ever exist. "I sure miss your vampire speed, darling," he said as he laid me on the bed. "And all your other special talents." 

He was on top of me and I stared into his dark eyes like they could hold the future. "I hope you know that all of my talents aren't gone, Sebastian." I whispered. 

"We'll have to see," I gracefully pulled him so that he was the one on the bottom and I was on top of him. He held his smile as I kissed him deeply. His hands grazed my spine, roaming everywhere that my skin touched. "I love it when you say my name. It makes me feel like I'm alive." he said in between kisses. 

My hands were in his hair and I held my lips in the place where his own was, making my heart flutter. I let go of his lips as I let his hands roam to my hips to my chest and I let Sebastian take off my top. My adrenaline rushed and my heart ached from his touch. I needed it now, at this very second. I no longer cared about what I had to do, I needed my future husband to do what I wanted him to do to me. 

He used his vampire speed to move on against a wall, breaking a glass object because of it. I unbuttoned his shirt as fast as I can, leaving his chest naked. I could clearly see his muscles in the sunlight. His skin glowed like a god and I wanted more of him. In less than a second, he pulled down my bottoms and then my underwear. It left me naked except for my chest and I bit my lip to stifle a moan. And then I watched as he got on his knees, caressing my legs. "My darling Elora, the only person that I will get on my knees for." 

My heart was pounding so loud it could be heard for miles. I couldn't move as he slowly spread my legs apart and started leaving wet marks on my skin. And then he started going up my legs, inside my thighs until his mouth was in a forbidden place. There was nothing that could stop me from letting out a lustful moan. 

Minutes passed until he was done and he looked up at me with desperation. Like if he didn't take his eyes off me, then he would lose me. I hope he knows that I was not going anywhere the day I met him. He stood back up and guided me to the bed again as he moved me just to do just that. 

I helped him pull off his bottoms and underwear, leaving him fully exposed. His skin was on my skin. Being this close to him felt like we could destroy the world. He unclipped my bra and threw it across the room. "Making a mess, are we?" I asked with a smile on my face. 

"Just you wait until I'm done with you, love."

And then he was inside me. Inside the very place that his lips were touching just a minute ago. He kissed me with so much passion as he went in and out every second. I've never really believed in anything. Not really. I didn't really think someone so important to me would stay. Not after everyone I lost. But him?  He makes me real. He makes me believe in something. Like I could do whatever I wished too. 

I didn't know what I wanted to do with my new life. I was no longer the halfling that so many feared but adored. I was merely just a girl with earthly powers that would one day die. And this man had the power to make me feel like I was extraordinary. 

It was hours until we were done. And by that time, both of us were sweaty and tired from the exercise. Exhaustion hit me and I closed my eyes to fall asleep. 

I was in the castle hallway, I couldn't figure out which one it was. But it was dark and the only light came from the small lantern next to me. And then I heard a voice. A voice I thought died when I did. I guess that wasn't true, after all. "You thought you could get rid of me? Guess what,  you can't! I will always be in your mind, waiting for you to slip." the voice said. It was her. It was Segovia. 

She wore the same white nightgown and her red curls were the same than ever before. But what was different was that her hair was in flames and her eyes held the blackest color I have seen. There was no white in her eyes and I had to back away from her because I had no idea what she was. 

I woke up screaming. 


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