Ch. 27- Let Her Have Peace

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"Because death sounds peaceful right now."


They think they are so smart. Killing me is not going to be easy. And Elora thought she could kill me by jumping off a building, she was dead wrong.

I stood up, Sebastian out of breath from trying to save my life. That gives me butterflies in my stomach. How adorable. He got up the same time as I did and I tried to hide my smile. I acted as I was still Elora, which made it funny to me.

"Sebastian, you need to let me go," I said grimly. This was going to be fun. "I hate you." They realized when I was Segovia or Elora, but I loved to play the game otherwise.

He smiled as he held his dark eyes to mine. And at that moment, a knife went inside my back, twisting it left and right. "How do you like being stabbed in the back, Segovia," Ellie said in my ear. She pushed the knife deeper in my back. "You thought you were a step ahead of us, but you weren't."

A sharp pain went through me.

I groaned in agony. What is happening? Sebastian took a step toward me, placed his hand on my cheek. Tears were in my eyes now as I finally saw the flicker of who he really was. A monster. "The second time is the charm, right?"

"You are going to regret this," I gritted out. "I am going to make you suffer for what I have planned."

"Good riddance, Segovia." he said at last. "Now, get out of my girl and tell your little boss that if he wants to come get me, get me himself. I'm not going anymore."

I awoke at last but the pain in my back made me fall to the ground. I closed my eyes as it felt like I was going to bleed out on this concrete street.

"Stay with me," Sebastian muttered again, the last time he said those words was when I died.

Everyone was circled around me, even Ellie. Jasper was using his healing powers on me, but it was a lot of work that needed to be done. "Ellie, I'm sorry about Oliver. He was a great person and I didn't mean for him to die. It was her that did it."

"Oh, I know Elora. You are forgiven, for everything we've been fighting about and more. I don't want to lose my only sister." she said with tears in her eyes.

"What about me?" Grace asked.

Ellie laughed. "Grace, you're my best friend. You, too, are my family."

I managed a small smile before the pain shot through me again. I squeezed Sebastians hand as Jasper was working his magic. "I'm here." I whispered.

He kissed the top of my head before everything went black.


I drifted in and out of sleep for the next few days. I didn't know the healing process could be so agonizing and slow. I could not get used to it, if I tried.

I hazily opened my eyes to see light coming from the window. I was in a soft bed with a thick comforter on top of me. I darted my eyes to see everyone staring at me. They all stood, except for Sebastian who sat right next to me on the bed.

"Welcome back, darling," he told me. He looked tired, more tired than I ever seen him.

"The castle doors have been closed to everyone since you fell unconscious," Charles said from behind him. "We all thought we were going to have to mourn another hero tomorrow."

"I guess you don't have to, now," I whispered. "I apologize for scaring all of you."

"As long as you're here, that's all that matters." my aunt said from beside Jackson. He looked at me as if he was ready to beat me up like when he was at school. He was angry at me, I could tell.

"We're glad you're back." Audrey said to me.

Charles placed his hand in his wife's and managed to smile. "We're glad you are okay, we will leave you two alone now." Then, he glanced at everyone else as if he were still a King and have power over people. And they obeyed.

They all left one by one, and Sebastian waited for them to finally close the door before speaking. But he didn't. All he did was pull me into a tight embrace that felt as if he wouldn't ever let me go.

A minute went by and he finally did. I smiled truthfully at him, realizing that she was gone from my mind. Forever. "I'm going to promise one thing, Elora," he spoke quietly. "I promise that I will fight your battles as long as I live. You don't have to fight anymore, okay?"

"Sebastian—" I started to say but he cut me off.

"You scared me more when you were on that ledge then watching you go to battle without knowing the outcome." he admitted. "Please don't ever do that again, I don't ever want to lose you."

I closed my eyes. "I'm sorry. I never meant any of it."

He smiled, a wicked grin at that. "So, what does my girl want to do know that she's free?" he asked.

"Hmm, lets see."


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