Ch. 38- The Woman I Will Die For

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"You have been the last dream of my soul."


I flew through the air and I knew in a moment I will land on the hard ground. And I did, hurting every one of my bones. My whole body was sore and it screamed at me for rest. But I didn't listen—it was not over yet.

I was going to kill the Devil, even if it is the last thing I do. I will do everything I can to stop this once and for all. One last fight, I told myself. Only one and it will be over.

I managed to stand back up despite the agonizing pain and blood in my mouth. I tried to walk, but my pain from my leg blinded my vision. And yet, after a few moments, I took a step. Despite my mind telling me not to. Despite all odds that were against me, I took one step after another and proceeded to walk. Even if I was limping. 

Demons were fighting again, this time it was more violent and lethal. Grace used her sword to stab a demon in the stomach, making them fall to the ground at her feet. Her short blonde hair stuck to the back of her neck with sweat. Ellie was a few feet away from her, fighting side by side with a male Fae. Audrey and Christian managed to fight too, despite just getting out of possession. My brother, however, had to have his chance of killing Agnes. The one who destroyed his life. And mine, too. 

And Sebastian, well, I couldn't find him anywhere.

"It's so much better out here than inside your head," a female voice said from behind. I turned and it was Segovia. She tilted her head to the side. "Didn't you know how this was going to end?"

Wearing a dress to battle wasn't the best idea, which made her equally stupid as the rest of them. "Don't you know that seducing the Devil will get you killed?"

Segovia laughed a wicked one that I got used to now. But it was different hearing it inside your mind than in real life. "I have waited a long time to finally kill you, and now is my chance."

I ran, even though my leg forbade it and wanted so badly to kill Segovia. I lost my blade while I fell, so I had no weapons. Nothing. We were going to fight, fist to fist. Let's see who the stronger one is.

On the corner of my eye, I saw one of Thomas's wolfs bite the head off of Segovia's father, throwing it beside her. She didn't say anything, trying to act like his death didn't matter to her. One less enemy down, I thought. 

Segovia turned her head toward me again. And then she clenched her fist, punching me right in the face. I fell backward, my injured leg crippling to the ground. Blood spilled out of my mouth as I spit out on the floor. I quickly stood back up and advanced toward her, my face seething from anger. My fist clenched as I went in to hit back, her dodging me with her arm. I was going to lose. "You really think you deserve him, don't you?" she said. 

I used my skull to hit her in the head, Segovia backing away from me. "Way more than you," I spat. "You broke him. And I don't like people breaking the man I love."

I mustered all the energy I could and slammed her to the ground. "Believe it or not, but I loved him. I loved him more than anything."

I punched her right in the face, blood spilling from her mouth. "If you truly loved Sebastian, you wouldn't have betrayed him. And that is the major difference between you and me," I said. "You never really deserved him, Segovia. I don't pity you for all the hardships you faced." I was on top of her, hitting her as much as I could.

Segovia kicked my injured leg, making me topple over the side and seethe with agony. She went on top of me and placed her hands around my neck, similar to what she did in my nightmares. She had all the control now, and I wanted so badly to not fight anymore. "If you're going to kill me, do it already," I said. "Stop being such a coward."

She squeezed my neck harder, making me gasp for air. And I realized, a foot away was a silver blade that no one was using. I tried my best to reach it, but it was too far away.

I couldn't move. I needed to get that blade, there was no other way. It was as it the Earth answered me as it helped me when I desperately needed it. There was a powerful wind gust, which made the blade move toward me at full speed.

I grabbed it fully now and moved as fast as I could manage to keep from dying at the hands of my nemesis. As she noticed the weapon in my hand, it was too late.

I stabbed the knife into the front of her neck, blood dripping down on my face. I wasn't a vampire anymore, but that didn't mean I still craved for blood. Her mouth went agape as she realized what just happened.

Segovia rolled over on the ground with a blade still in her neck.

She was dead.

"I hope you rot." was all I said to her lifeless corpse. 


I was out of breath and tired from fighting too much. I was injured, bloody, and my sweat stuck to my clothes. As I stood up again, I realized there was someone in front of me. Smiling. It had the face of Sebastian's father, but it wasn't. It was the Devil. "Have you changed your mind on coming with me?"

"You already know the answer to that," I told him.

"Just give up, Elora. I am much stronger than you."

"Sorry, can't do that," I said. "It's just not how I am." Once I said those words, I dropped my weapon to the ground. I looked up to the sky, tears streaming down my face. I needed all the power I could get from the Earth. This was the last fight, I thought. And then it's over for good.

Bright blue light surged through my body within seconds. I was made from the plants and water around me to the sun above. I would use it to defeat the Devil. Taking a deep breath, the light came out of my hands at full speed.

It came into contact with the creature in front of me, burning his skin all over. He screamed in agony but I kept going. I only needed to get him out of Charles and I will be done.

I burst the power again after a few seconds, using every single muscle in my body. He bent down to his knees, him still in pain from the inside out.

I screamed from the immense light coming out of my hand, tears coming down my cheek at a rapid speed. The pain was everywhere, yelling at me to stop. But I couldn't.

Not a second passed when I realized the familiar smoke coming out of the old King. But it was not black like the rest of the demons, it was blood red. Charles choked on the smoke as it came out into the air and I finally stopped using my power on him. Instead, I focused on the smoke.

I shot the light toward the Devil, ready to finally stop him. It took more energy than I had to kill the Devil's real appearance.

But I did. It disappeared out of thin air within seconds and I dropped to the ground on my knees.

The Devil is gone. I glanced around to find every one of the demons that we were fighting to disappear along with their master. They came out of the people they possessed and swirled in the air before going to an unknown place forever.

Next to me, Jasper was fighting with the one person he was afraid of. Agnes. He was on the ground, ready to be killed when Grace took her heart out with her bare hands. It was quick as Agnes' lifeless body fell to the hard ground beneath her.

And I saw that Sebastian finally killed Segovia's brother with a sword in his stomach when he dropped to the ground on the other side of the field. 

I managed to stand up and run as fast as my heartbeat was going.


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