Ch. 33- Fight Against Death

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"Isn't all that rage so ugly? And isn't it mine, still? Good god, isn't it mine?"


Demons were not faster than vampires. But if they possessed us, then we were in big trouble. So I ran, I ran until I couldn't possibly run any more,

I was now outside, out of breath that it was hard to see straight. And in a moment, a body slammed right into mine, pulling me into their embrace. It was Elora. Finally.

Fear shone in her eyes as I saw my siblings behind her. Ellie was holding a Christian up by one arm, as if he were injured. Elora let go of me, placing a hand on my cheek. "Thank god you're okay!" she cried.

"We don't have a lot of time, I distracted them from going upstairs. They should be coming outside soon." I managed to say between gasps of breaths.

"We need to get everyone to safety first," Ellie said. "And we need help."

I glanced over to my brother. "Is he able to stand up?" I asked.

"I'm not sure, he was possessed by a demon and Elora took it out with her powers." my sister admitted. "We need Jasper here if we have a chance of defeating them."

"Mom and Dad are also possessed," Christian mumbled. "There are leading the army."

Horror struck my face. This is all some sort of nightmare. "Okay, first we need to get the ones who can't fight out of the danger. Margot and Jax are still in the castle and we need to get them out, now." Elora demanded. "Then we need to find Jasper and get some goddamn weapons on us. Then we will think of a plan to defeat them."

"I can stand on my feet now." Christian said. His healing powers must be working good. "I will get them out, Elora. Ellie, you find Jasper."

Ellie let go of our brother, him looking completely himself and normal. All of us heard them marching closer and closer to where we were. "Elora, you are the only Fae that will have to hold them down until your brother gets here, can you handle it?" I asked.

Her head went up in the air. "I've been ready to fight some demons, if you are?"

"Great, all of us have our duties," Ellie said. "Once we have everyone, meet in the safe house."

All of us agreed before prince and princess sped away at the speed of light, leaving Elora and I to the fight.

As we heard them get closer, we backed away to the empty field behind the castle, the woods behind us. We had no weapons, except for only one. Elora.

And I know she will be the great weapon to ever exist, for she has the ability to not only kill them but get rid of them forever.

This shall be interesting.


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