Ch. 5- The Other Side

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"I don't want to know what it's like to live without you. Don't want to know the other side of a world without you." 


After I was finished with the meeting, I walked into my bedroom. It was a long and agonizing hour, to say the least. With lots of discussions on money and land, and what are we going to do about the leftover witches from the war. I personally think they should all be slaughtered -- the ones that followed Agnes -- but the Counsel thinks otherwise. 

It took seconds -- just seconds -- for me to open the door and realize that I was not alone. And another second for me to realize that I was in trouble of losing my own life. 

I turned and saw Jackson in front of me -- with a silver blade in his hand. I could've used my extra speed, but I was too late. He pierced with the weapon right in the stomach -- crimson blood staining my white shirt. 

He took a step backward as I kept looking from him to the weapon in my body. Then I slowly, but surely, took it out. And I looked at him with rage in my eyes. 

"Why did you do that?" I asked in a lethal calm. 

"You deserved it." he simply said without hesitation. "You are the only person that caused all of this to happen. She was fine before she met you. Elora would still be alive if you hadn't turned her into a monster."

"Do you think I don't know that!" I yelled, throwing the blade on the other side of the room. Jackson winced. "I lie awake a night wishing I could undo every ounce of pain I did to her!" I paused. "Do you not think that I don't blame myself every day for what she had to do to save me?" 

Sadness flashed in Jackson's emerald eyes like he was holding it all in until now. "You look terrible, Sebastian." he said dryly. 

It was true, I did not look good. My eyes were nothing but shadows and my skin, well, it wasn't as tan as it used to be. I looked like one of those vampires -- the ones that looked like they were dead. 

"Go home, Jax. It's not safe for a human to be here." I told him. 

"Not safe?" he questioned. "If I can handle you, then I can handle every other vampire in this city, don't you think?" Jackson was looking at me with a smirk on his face. 

"You obviously don't know my full strength. Otherwise, you wouldn't be so cocky and say that to me." I said. "Go home or I'm going to make you with everything but a tongue."

I had no energy to deal with him. Not right now. Not ever. He reminded me so much of Elora that seeing him -- seeing human Jackson -- was like a punch in the face. 

"Your meaningless threats, Sebastian. You know they don't bother me." he said. 

I opened the door and turned my head to him again, wanting him to get out. Wanting everyone to leave me alone for once. "You should know better than to think that, Jax. Get out."

"Before I go, I want to tell you something stupid I might have done." he said -- lowering his head. I rose a brow, but let him keep talking. "I might have made a deal with a vampire named Kellan."

I moved my head to look at the ceiling. "Why are humans so goddamn stupid?" I said mostly to myself. 

I turned to Jackson once more. "Did he tell you what he wants from you?"

He sighed. "He wants me to join him on his missions, whatever that means." 

"If Elora was here, she would never let you do that." 

"Yeah, well, she's not. Thanks to you, I have no one, so I'm seeing this as an opportunity to make new friends."

"Kellan doesn't make friends, he makes enemies." I sighed. "Since he hates it when I intervene in his personal business, I'm going to warn you to be careful around him. They call him a snake for a reason. Don't trust him, whatever you do. Just don't let your guard down."

"Wait -- you're letting me do this?" Jackson asked, his wavy blond hair swaying as his tilted his head. 

"I can't tell you what to do." I paused. "Well, I can, but I don't like doing it. You said you don't have anyone anymore. Well, you have me, Margot, and Jasper. But if you need to find somewhere to belong, I can help you find it."

Jackson smiled again. 

"But -- do not ever try and kill me ever again." I raised my voice. "I will hunt you down myself if I have to." 

"No promises."

Then he walked out of the room, leaving me by myself again. So minutes after he left, I decided to go into the library to research the ways of resurrection. 

Move on. 

I can't.

I looked through the rows of bookshelves -- looking for any possible way to bring her back. Anything. Once I grabbed a stack of books that could work, I set them down on the table and sat down. Flipping through the pages, I realized this was going to take me hours. 

And I was right -- it did take me hours to read everything about the subject matter. But it was worth it. As I closed the second to the last book from the stack, I heard someone open the door. 

I looked up and wondered who it was -- if it was a friend or foe. And to my surprise, it was both. "Twice in one day, Kellan? Are you growing fond of me?" I asked. 

He only rolled his eyes. "You wanted to know a way to bring her back to life, right? Well I can help you that no book can."

"Is that so?"


"How can you help?" I wondered, standing up right in front of him now. 

"Firstly, you're going to have to stop being the noble King that you are. Stop being on the right side of things for once. This magic is dangerous and it can have serious consequences. Are you sure you want to do this?" he asked in a stern voice. 

"I do. I want her back more than I want anything in my life."

"Then you're going to have to be on the bad side. You have to be the villain. Or else this isn't going to work. Raising the dead takes away part of your humanity. Part of your soul. If you can't do that, then this isn't right for you."

"I've always been the bad guy. I'm used to it, Kellan. Now how do we start." 

He smiled. Then pulled a chair and sat down. 



Hello, I just wanted to give you a little update on this book. I've recently gotten a job so I will have less time updating this book. And also I'm just writing this as I please, letting my mind come up with the plot. So it may take longer for me to update chapters. 

Also, lets acknowledge the fact that Jackson tried to kill our Sebastian! Like oh my the two guys that Elora loved the most, I'm crying. HA! Anyways, I hope you vote on this and thank you for everyone that reads this messy series of mine. I love you bunches!


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