Ch. 3- He Can't Move On

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"How terrible it is to love something that death can touch."


I've had a crappy life. It's not just my father's abuse or my mother leaving, but it's the fact that no one seems to care whether I lived or died. Elora was the exception. She was the only one in my life that actually saw me. The one who saw who I really was on the inside.

But now she's gone.

And I'm alone.

I've realized in the past few months that not even the rest of them care, too. They don't even dare come see me, or remember that I exist. I was one of Elora's closest friends and they couldn't spend one minute making sure I was okay. Or Margot.

There is nothing left for me here. No one to save me this time. Elora is dead and he is the one to blame. The one that caused everything.

I didn't know my way around this huge palace of his. But all I know is where he might be. I had to do this.

I heard footsteps coming, so I slid in the empty room next to me, hoping there was no one in it. I hid in the dark room until the footsteps diminished.

As I was back where I was, in the large hallway, I looked back and forth so no one saw me. This might get me killed, but if I was successful, it was worth it.

"Now, what are you doing with that, little human?" a voice said from behind me. I jumped at the sound because it seemed to come out of nowhere.

I turned and saw a male a foot away from me. He had obsidion hair that was delicately placed on his head. Not as messy as some other males, I'd have to say.

He was gazing at my weapon that was hidden in my pants. "Who are you?" I blinked.

"The real question is," he replied, taking a step toward me. "What are you planning to do?"

"Nothing you need to worry about." I said. I know I shouldn't evoke a dangerous vampire, which assuming he is, but I can't control it. "Sebastian knows."

This man was wearing a long black coat that ended at his knees. And bottoms the same color. Why do they all dress like they're going to a funeral?

"Does he?" he questioned. "I'm assuming you came here for revenge, right? Revenge for your friend that died."

"What are you some kind of mind reader?" I asked. My heart was beating rapidly, but I didn't show it. Never show your true emotions to a dangerous creature, one of my many rules I've followed since I was a child.

The male laughed at that. "Oh I wish, but no. I'm not." he confessed. "I'm just someone who makes it his job to know what everyone is up to," He stepped closer. "And you so happen to be up to some thing."

"Would you be pleased if I said that Sebastian deserves what is coming to him? That he is the reason behind Elora's death." I told him.

"Oh how I would have loved to meet this girl," he said mostly to himself. "Because honestly, I don't get the fuss and why everyone wants to risk everything because of her."

"You didn't know her, you wouldn't know." I snarled.

He tilted his head. "Is that so?"


"My friends die all the time and you don't see me trying to assassinate the King because I think he is behind it. No, there are more important things to do with my time."

I stayed quiet this time. There was no point in arguing with a stranger.

"Take my advice, Jackson. Move on and don't look back."

I can't.

"How do you know my name?" I asked.

"Are you not the human that Elora saved? The one who she risked everything for?"

"You sure know everything." I replied.

The male smiled again. "They don't call me the snake for nothing."

"What else do they call you?"


"I'm assuming you don't want me to kill him, right." I said, shifting to make sure my weapon was still there. And it was.

"Well, I'd love to see if you can manage it. I'll tell you what, if you kill him, you can have one night with me, but if you can't, I want you to come with me once I'm done here.

I raised an eyebrow. "You want to make a deal?"

"You guessed it." Kellan said. "Take it as an opportunity, Jackson. You'll be helping me out on my assignments or you can get what I have to offer in bed. Your choice."

"Why are you doing this?"

"Because I want to see who lasts longer. A grief-ridden vampire or an angry human. I'll be watching."

And then he was gone. Just like that. Like he was here and then not.

"A snake he is." I whispered to myself.

I went back to finding my way around this castle. Which I failed miserably. I looked around for the King's quarters but no luck. Probably for security reasons, but I could make up an excuse saying I was here about Elora.

I saw a maid pushing a cart full of laundry in one of many hallways. I stood tall and walked straight to her, not letting her see my nervousness. "Miss, I need help finding my way around here. Can you help me?"

"And you are?"

"Jackson, friend of Elora. I need to see the King."

Her eyes widened at what I said. "Oh yes, I know you. Yes, he is at a meeting right now but I will show you to his room for privacy."

"Thank you."

The maid walked with her cart, while I was beside her. We were silent before she asked, "What was she like, really?"

A hint of surprise hit me. I didn't know how much Elora affected these people. No idea.

I smiled, thinking about her. "You wouldn't believe it at first, but she was the funniest person I've ever met. And strong-willed. She was independent like that, she didn't need anyone besides herself."

"Do you know what happened? To her, I mean." the maid whispered, making sure there was no one in range to hear us. "No one knows exactly what happened. The day after All Hallows Eve, we didn't see her at all. Then Sebastian put up the portrait of her and then we all knew she died."

I let out a shaky breath. It was all too much, even know. "She sacrificed herself."

She widened her eyes, and I saw that her eyes were pale blue. Her brunette hair was pinned up in a tight bun as she was silent as we walked. The maid was probably thinking of the many ways Elora did it.

The maid stopped at once. "Here it is. You can go in if you like, he won't mind." And then she was gone, along with the cart of laundry.

As I stepped inside, I shook my head. Why am I doing this? Elora would never forgive me for this. But then again, he deserves this.

Sebastian deserves nothing but pain.

And I will be the one the brings it.


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