Ch. 20- Together Finally

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"If you are considered as evil, evil is what eventually you become."


Selfishness is its own act. Maybe we are born with it or maybe we learn it through our parents. It really is unknown, whether a person who has done monstrous things in the name of love can stop being selfish. Monsters think it is for survival, but I think it is to not feel the pain all over again. If there is one thing that I will not apologize for, it is being greedy for wanting my loved ones back.

The party continued, music blaring that I could barely hear myself think. Holding a glass of champagne, I stood by my family. They kept talking, excited that we finally were together. But that did not stop me from thinking about what Elora said. She knew I was selfish, but her actually saying it out loud...

"Bash?" said a male voice beside me. I snapped out of it, looking at my father fully now. He had the same brown locks, tan skin, and worried expression as me. I looked like him more than anyone else. "Everything all right?"

I took a sip of my drink, hoping it was something stronger. "Oh yes, all good."

He and my mother stood by each other, hand in hand. It was quite as I imagined. "Your mother and I missed you so much. And Christian and Ellie," he said.

As soon as he said my brother's name, I saw him walk in with Elora, who looked beautiful as ever. Her hair was no longer in flames and it looked like she was back to normal. It was now the second time that her anger got the best of her and I was growing worried. "I missed both of you, too."

Her parents stood by Jasper and his family, waiting for her. Even me. But looking around at my own family that came back, I realize that I had my own reunion to be at. I turned to Ellie and saw tears running down her face at the sight of her parents, of her little brother.

I wanted to apologize, to tell her that I did what I thought was best for her. She couldn't look at me, even when I wanted her to look into my eyes and tell me that we are okay. That I am forgiven. Her screaming at me is better than this. I know she was in the middle of meeting her parents again--and I know it is selfish of me to think-- but I wish to God that she could smile at Please forgive me.



My parents were in front of me now, fully alive and breathing. Holding onto Christian tightly, I heard my own heartbeat rapidly. They had tears in their eyes, and so did I. It was unbelievably terrifying--looking at them for the first time. It was seconds, only seconds where I let Christian go, letting him go to his family, and stepped closer to my mother and father.

"Elora?" my mother asked, tears coming down her face like a waterfall. I nodded my head slightly, not before she pulled me towards me and embraced me. She had the same familiar scent as before she died, and my mom being here again is what I always wanted. My father hugged us both, just like it was before everything. "I missed you so much," she said through her sobbing.

My hands were trembling as I let go. "I cannot tell you how many times I wished you guys were here, and now you are," I said, crying. I looked to my left, where Jasper stood. "When I found you two dead, my life completely shattered. Yes, Jax and Margot were there, but it didn't matter because my parents were dead." I smiled at them, who stood by Jasper.

"You know how much we wanted to be there for you, Elora. And you, Jasper." said my father.

"I was held hostage by a lunatic my whole life while Elora went to school and actually had a relationship with you two." said my brother, who was growing angry. "You didn't even try to save me from her."

"We did, Jas. We did everything we could but she was just too powerful!" my mother exclaimed.

"Let me ask you this, were you ever going to tell me about my younger brother? I had to find out when I was being tortured by Agnes and we were in the middle of a war."

"Elora, we're sorry. Please do not let your emotions get out of control."

"As much as I am happy that I have you back, but you have been gone for a long time, mother, and I know how to take care of myself," I felt Sebastian smile from behind me. She frowned, didn't say a word so I continued. "Now, this is my birthday party and I would love for everyone to enjoy themselves while I dance with the love of my life whom I am marrying."

My head turned to face Sebastian, in which I smiled, letting him know that he is all forgiven. "Wait, is he who you are marrying. That vampire?" she asked, her frown even more visible.


My mother was silent for a moment, while everyone, including Sebastian's family, was staring right at her like she said the worst thing in the world. "Elora I cannot let you marry him. He is a vampire who can easily kill you for your blood." My father stood there, not saying a word.

Anger rose in me like a forest fire. Sebastian stood beside me now, his arm resting around my waist. "To be clear, I would never hurt Elora. I love her and I do not have to prove to you that I do."

"Your kind almost made us extinct because you couldn't control your hunger." she seethed, not letting her prejudice go.

"Mom, he is my family. All of them are. Please don't ruin this," I pleaded, wiping tears away from my face with a slight of my hand.

"We are your family, too. Your newfound ears are a part of our blood, not theirs," she crossed her arms. "Honestly, I don't know what you were thinking, getting involved with these blood-sucking freaks."

I clenched my teeth as I felt Sebastian and the rest of his family grow angry. She may have a point, said a voice from my head. "Fine," I started to say, my head growing tall. "If you cannot see that not saving Jasper from Agnes the second he was kidnapped was unforgivable, and not accepting my marriage, then I want you to go. I want you to get out of my home and my city and never come back."

I looked at the others. "If you want to join, you can. But know that you won't ever see me or hear from me ever again."

"Elora Miller, you don't understand what you are doing."

I let go of Sebastian and took a step towards my mother, my arms crossed over my back. "Where were you when I needed you? Where were you when I wanted my mom and you were not even there to comfort me?" I turned to my father. "Where the hell was my father when I was afraid of going to sleep at night because all I could see was my parents dead in their bed? Oh, that's right, you were dead."

"Don't bring your father into this."

"Sebastian and his family were there for me when you weren't. They gave me a place to stay and allowed me to be whatever I wanted to be. So don't tell me who my family is, because to me they are the ones who were actually there when I needed them. When I have kids, mother, I will raise them to be nothing like you are."Just please go, I want you out of my sight."

"You are going to regret this, Elora Miller." she said to me.

"Maybe so, but I have an immortal life to attain from my sins. And my name is Elora Breevort from now on." I stared right at her, shock going through her like lightning.

Everyone, except for me, watched my mother and father leave the castle, like their life depended on it. I snuck out of the ballroom and into my room, wanting to be alone. In which I was, so I could freely do what I wanted so badly to do.

And that was to scream.


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