Ch. 32- Monsters Created

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"If I can't have love if I can't find peace. Give me bitter glory." 



I know this is all my fault. Everything that has happened started with me, and it will end with me. I just have a feeling it will. I have hope that I can save the only person that saw me as someone important. Even before I even met Sebastian, I would dream of having an extraordinary life full of romance and adventures, and possibly a little bit bit of danger. It was my one desire, that to have a story worth telling is a life worth living. 

For the past two years, I wanted so badly to go home and be normal again. But I learned that having this life, full of ups and downs, is what I wanted ever since I was a child. I fell down the rabbit hole of all things extraordinary and supernatural. And I feel some sort of calmness that it became my life. 

"Are you hearing what I was saying?" Christian asked. 

I snapped out of my thoughts, turning to face him. "Sorry, what did you say?" 

He chuckled as I tangled my arm into his. We were walking around the castle, wanting to catch up and actually get some fresh air. It has been a long time since we actually did speak truthfully. "I was just saying before you zoned out that it's amazing how we got here, huh? Remember when we first got to the castle?"

I smiled genuinely. "Yes, it was as if it were yesterday," I said. "I was just getting used to being a vampire and we were trying to find Sebastian. By all the luck in the world, we found this city that we now call home." 

"And now you are getting married to Sebastian and I, on the other hand, embraced being a vampire. Even before I died." he admitted. 

I shook my head. "I still can't believe you did that. You really didn't have to get in front of me that day." 

"Of course, I had to. I watched that witch trap you and couldn't watch my friend die in front of me. I had to do something." he shrugged his shoulders. "It was the bravest thing I ever did, Elora." 

"You didn't have to die for me, Christian," I whispered. "No one had to."

"Have you heard from your parents?" he asked, changing the subject. I still could not accept that my parents could think that way towards their only daughter. If they couldn't accept my relationship with Sebastian, then I want nothing to do with them. 

"No, I haven't," I said. "Let them get lost in Romania for all I care." 

"Surely you don't think that. They are your parents, after all." he told me. 

Truth is, I cared too much about my parents that it felt I was going to combust with grief. They were brought back to me, but they are different from what I remembered in my head. My mother and father were not like this. They never were. Which is why I couldn't fathom that they could be so heartless. "I don't want to talk about them anymore, okay?" I said at once. 

Christian obeyed. He was about to say something else but was stopped short by Ellie speeding toward us. And then, she spoke as her life depended on it. "You need to get in here, now." 



I thought it was just a legend. But even my kind has many stories of what we are, some true and some not. Everything that I was told about demons was true. They can take the form of the people you love and have the blackest eyes. I should have known it was not going to end well when I saw those same terrifying eyes right next to me in my bed. 

The castle doors have been locked since the incident with the wolves, which meant that there was no way anyone can get in. It was being guarded by my soldiers, and no one of danger could get in or out. 

But when I heard those doors smash open with hundreds of demons coming in, the only thought in my mind was where in the hell was Elora. The last time I checked, she was having a walk with Christian. And now I cannot hear her heartbeat anymore. 

The demons formed a line, destroying everything and everyone they saw as a threat. I couldn't just stand here and watch my kingdom go into flames. I had to do something, even when I was basically a mortal. 

"Hey!" I yelled loud enough for the demons to hear. They all looked directly at me. "If you want me, you are going to have to catch me!" 

And at last, I used my speed to run away. 



"What is going on?" Elora questioned.

I didn't have time to explain all of it to her. But what I gathered was that there has been an attack at the castle. This time, it was much more dangerous. It was an army of demons, one I couldn't imagine there could be. They were supposed to be a myth. How were they here in the first place? "An attack." I managed to say, glancing at Christian beside her. "Demons." 

"Demons? That's not impossible." she said. 

"Believe it, girl. I think there might be one just under our noses." I told her, suspecting my brother. He was brought back to life, which would make him an easy target to be possessed by one, I thought. It would make sense. 

Her eyes narrowed. "What are you talking about?" 

At the moment, Christian pounced and placed a hand around Elora's neck. His eyes changed from icy blue to jet black. My brother was going to squeeze the life out of Elora. And I know I wouldn't be fast enough to stop it. 

"You sure know how to find things out, sister," he drawled. "Now that my cover is blown, I would like to say something." 

"Let go of her." I snarled. 

"The more time you focus on me, the less time Sebastian has of surviving. You better hurry to save your brother." he admitted. I am going to make sure this demon inside my brother is going to pay.

My eyes were too slow to see what was happening in front of me. But what I saw was Elora's eyes change to a bright blue color, signaling that she was going to use her powers. It looked as if she was going to explode from all the power she held. Christian let go of her, him clenching the hand that on her throat, groaning in pain. It was as if her power burned him. 

Elora didn't seem to recognize me, as she turned toward Christian, who was on the ground while the pain took hold of him. She used one hand to summon the blue light that was her own and started choking the life out of Christian. Or the demon that was possessing him. 

He held his throat, trying to gasp for air. But he couldn't. Within seconds, black smoke came out of him all at once and into the air, where Elora used her powers to make it disappear forever. 

Never in my long life have I seen anything like that. 


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