Ch. 10- Bring Me Back to Life

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"My body is a dead language and you pronounced every word perfectly."


I heard a terrible whisper in my ear. A voice so cold that shivers ran down my back. I did nothing but listen to it. I am in your body and soul. I created you and I can destroy you with one swift move. You live because of him but your heart is beating for me. You will do as I say until the end of time.

It was the first voice I heard before waking up in a pool of blood.


It took many days of negotiation for Jasper to finally come. I had to convince him that this is the best choice for everyone for him to come to Ambrosia. When he was here, I had all the plans made this spell.

The Red Book says that we have to do it where death meets life. A source that gives immortality to a person. And all I need to get for this is her corpse. It was not just Elora, but my family. Her parents bodies would be difficult to get.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Grace asked, who stood beside me. Kellan and his circle stood behind us and Jasper was in front with the book in his hand, chanting the spell. Jackson was there but he was quiet about it all.

"This is all I ever wanted for four months." I said without looking at her. There was a pool that we used for special occasion, and in it contained our source of food. Blood. I never seemed to use this pool but it was built one of my great grandfathers. All around it was black marble that had little white dots on it. It looked like the night sky, to say that my ancestor was into some things was an understatement.

The guards came in with Elora's tomb and they placed it right by the pool until we were ready. In between chanting, Jasper guided his hand to come over. As I kneeled down beside him, he pushed me in the blood-filled pool without saying anything. Within seconds, I could not see anything but red. And the next, a body splashed in without being careful with it. I shot up to the surface but something pushed me under again.

I could feel my life draining from me as every second passed. This magic, I realized, is stronger than me. And it was all I could to fight for it with every ounce of me.

And then I saw a blue flash of light.


My eyes opened and I saw crimson. All around me was red liquid. But I had the strange sensation that there was more to it than that. That whatever I am in holds something symbolic.

It was too dark for me to see— it was almost black and I had to wave my arms back and forth to keep from drowning. But I felt something— some kind of power within me that I could not avoid. It wanted to come out and I obliged.

Then, as if I knew how to do it, I let my hands come together and light came out of them. It was a bright blue— much like the sky in the afternoon — and it grew and grew until it was all I could see.

When I could actually see in front of me now, I saw that I was not alone. No, there was what looked like a male a yard away from me.

He saw me and started coming toward me as fast as he could— and I couldn't help but stay where I was. I should be running away, getting away from this stranger. But I just could not.

When he was finally a foot away from me, I dimmed my powers so that it wasn't as bright.

I had this realization that I knew him— that I knew everything about this male, even though I did not know who I was. Or what I was. 

As soon as he was about to move, I went to the top and let out a breath, leaving the male underneath. My whole body was covered in the red liquid but it was the least of my worries. I climbed out of whatever I was in and I realized there was a group of people staring at me. As I stood there, dripping wet, I could not help but grow angry. Kill them all. They did this to you.

My eyes turned bright blue as my powers grew once again. I clenched my hands into fists as I was about to hurt every one of them. But someone stopped me... someone who had tears in his eyes with the sight of me. I only looked at him with confusion but then his own hands glowed blue and I shook back a shudder. His hazel eyes were the same as mine.

I let my glowing hand touch his — and that's when everything changed. I saw flashes of my whole life from childhood to now. To how I was brought back from death and now I was alive. And in the midst of all that, I saw the person in front of me. My brother, Jasper.

I smiled at him as tears flowed out of my eyes. "Jasper?" I murmured.

He only nodded his head as he put his arms around me. "I can't believe you're here. I missed you!" He exclaimed.

I snuggled in his shoulder. "I missed you too."

I let go of him as I saw Jackson behind him, and then Grace. Jax ran toward me, hugged me tightly as if his life depended on it. "I hope you didn't do anything reckless while I was gone." He only laughed as he let Grace join in.

After she was done hugging me, she told me, "I think there is someone who you want to see. Turn around." I narrowed my brows as my head turned — to see the same man in what looked like a pool. It was Sebastian.

Even though he was covered in blood— I realized now— I could still see his features. And it was like the world slowed down and all I saw was him. I couldn't keep my heart from beating fast because it was him. He was my life. And I would spend my entire life with this person.

My legs didn't catch up with my mind as I stumbled while running toward him. He lifted me up as his strong arms held me and I could not be any more safe. "I'm back." I said through my sobbing. "I'm here."

"I'm alive."


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