Ch. 30- Attack on the Castle

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"Tell me about despair, yours, and I will tell you mine. Meanwhile, the world goes on." 


Both of us got up at once, put on our clothes as fast as we could and darted out of the room. "What is going on? What do you hear?" I questioned him as we went to find the source of the scream. 

"I hear everything. But what is most deafening is the growls of a wolf," he admitted. The shock of what he said went through me like a forest fire. How can that be? Werewolves and vampires were on good terms, the last time I checked. Oh, no. Segovia. I remember her using my powers to hurt Thomas, the leader of the pack. 

I was about to say something to Sebastian when we both realized there was a wolf in front of us. It just got done ripping a vampire's heart out when it spotted us. It ran to us at full speed, snarling with the hunger of killing both of us. As an instinct, I stepped in front of Sebastian and started to use my Fae powers on the wolf. 

It whined as it fell to the ground, gasping for air. "You and I are alike, wolf," I started to say. "While I was made from the Earth, you were made from the moon. That means that I am not the enemy here nor should I ever be." 

The wolf transformed into a woman, fully naked as she was laying on the ground. "You were the one that blinded Thomas. We saw everything," she said through her gasps. 

I stopped using my powers on her, putting my hand on my side again. I felt Sebastian's breathing behind me. "It was not me. It was Segovia, who is much more dangerous than me." 

The wolf started breathing steadily again. "Thomas was blinded?" I asked her. 

"By your power, I suppose," she confessed. "I never saw him in such agony." 

A moment later came another loud scream. I snapped my head to look at Sebastian for a second, who looked at me as if we needed to go right now. Hand in hand, we both ran to where the scream was, fearful that it might be one of our loved ones in this castle. 

I was too focused on the sound to see that Sebastian let go of my hand and he was not beside me. He was behind me as he was gasping for air, unable to breathe right. Panic arose in my body at the sight of him like that that I turned back to him. When I got to him, I placed my arms around him, trying to hold him up. "What is wrong?" I asked. 

His lips formed a tight line, not realizing that him on the ground was terrifying. "This is not the ideal time, but I have to tell you something," he whispered, trying to calm down. "Remember when you told me that bringing you back would give me some sort of consequence? Well, you were right." 

He coughed, and I realized it was the first time I have heard him do that. "What is happening, baby?" I cried, not wanting to hear what he was going to say. 

He placed a hand on my cheek, caressing it gently. "What brings life, must bring death," he whispered. "Bringing all of you back took my immortal life and now I am slowly aging." 

I refused to believe it. He was not dying. Sebastian was not going to leave me alone. Not again will I let him go. "No, there needs to be a way to stop it." I said.

"There is no possible way, sweetheart," he said at last. "It is what it is." 

Tears streamed down my face at a rapid speed. "No, I refuse to believe that I have to live in a world without you, Sebastian. You are not dying on me. I will find a way for you to get your immortality back, I promise."

He tilted his head to the side. "Don't make promises you can't keep." 

I stood up again, running my hands through my hair. Why does this keep happening to me? Why does fate intervene in my life every time I am a little bit happy? This is unfair, I should get my happy ending. But I do not. 

Sebastian was behind me now. He was now fine and not breathing so hard, which made everything that I was feeling worse. I was going to wake up one day and he will be dead right next to me. I will have to live eternity with sorrow in my heart as he is rotting away in a crypt above. This is not happening. 

He turned me around to face him. "Elora, there is still time, okay? I don't know how much but I want to spend every moment with you. Now, we need to figure out a way to convince the wolves that it wasn't you that blinded Thomas." I nodded my head slightly, but I couldn't deny the emotions I was feeling as if he were dead right now. 

We walked into the ballroom, where it seemed to have started everything. The wolves were tearing apart vampires that stayed here, vampires I could hardly recognize. But they were still getting murdered before our eyes. 

I needed their attention. But I was not powerful enough to use my powers on all the wolves here. Without thinking, I turned to Sebastian. "Help me." I told him. I glanced at my wrist as we had an unspoken agreement of what he should do. His sharp fangs came out and he took my wrist to his mouth. The blood of a Fae can be smelled within miles, no matter the creature. 

When my blood spilled to the ground, Sebastian let go. I held the wound in the air to get their attention. And I succeeded because all the fighting seemed to stop at once. Vampires and werewolves alike turned their heads toward me, smelling my blood. 

The beasts snarled at the sight of me. But I would not be afraid. Never again. "Stop!" I yelled as they ran toward me. "You will let me explain or I will have to use other methods of making you listen!"  They stopped, but that didn't keep them from growling at me. "I was not the person who blinded your leader. You must have heard of Segovia, who was possessing my body and making me do bad things."

"Segovia got inside Elora when I brought her back to life," Sebastian said from behind me. "If you want someone to blame, it is me."

"Sebastian, don't do this," I snapped. "They will kill you."

He ignored me. "I brought her to this world and she decided to take revenge on me by trying to ruin my life." 

"What is going on here?" asked a calm voice from the doorway. There stood Thomas, with no eyes in his sockets and a man guiding his walking. The way he had no eyes made a shiver go down my back. After a minute, he spoke again in a terrifying tone. "What is my pack doing in the vampire's home? Answer me or I will have Elora use her powers on you." 

The wolves changed into their human forms, where all of them had no clothes on. I had to avert my eyes so it wouldn't be awkward. "We were only trying to seek vengeance for what she did to you," said one of them. A man. 

"And what exactly did she do to me? She only sought friendship and nothing else." 

"But she blinded you." said another. 

"No, she did not. It was not her at all. It was Segovia and I will not have any of you touch Elora Miller if I am alive. You got it?" Thomas said as he turned his head toward me. "Are you and your family okay?" 

I started to nod my head but I forgot that he could not see me. "I don't know yet, we haven't checked them." 

"Go," Thomas told us. "I'll make sure that my wolves are out of here and punished for what they did." 

And once he said those words, Sebastian and I walked out to check on our family members. 


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