Ch. 15- Truth Be Told

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"To have her is to have the stars."



I didn't move at all. She was in my arms and her eyes were closed. I stared at the ceiling as I caressed her back slowly. I could not forget the image in my mind of Elora. Her hair was on fire and her eyes were as black as coal. It was not part of my imagination, it was real. I know it. But what is she? Is it part of her Fae powers? Or was it a side effect of her resurrection? I honestly had no clue because I never did something like that. 

After a long time of thinking, I decided I needed to get up. Elora was still asleep but I want to let her get her rest, so I quietly placed her arms on her own chest and slowly got out of the bed. Luckily, I did not wake her up. 

As soon as I was dressed, I walked out of my bedroom and slowly shut the door behind me. Once I was out, I walked to the library. It took longer than expected to get there, but I did. I have no idea why my body is fighting with me this past week but I need it to stop. This tiredness I feel all the time has gotten to me that I don't have the energy to do anything anymore. What Elora and I did last night made me so exhausted to my core. 

Once I was in the library, I sat down on one of the chairs and set my arms on top of it. I then placed my hands on my face to get rid of my sleepiness. But it was as effective as controlling the weather. "I'd say I'm surprised by you two, but I'm not," said a voice from in front of me. It was Grace. 

My eyebrow shot up as I placed my hands on the table. I noticed that she had her hair held up with lots of pins, except for a few strands. She wore clear-framed glasses and had on a long blue tulle skirt with a blouse that matched with it. Grace smiled at me as she spoke to me. "Really, Sebastian, the whole castle can you hear you guys. At least be quiet when you make love." 

I grimaced. "Now, do you have to say it like that, Grace? And by the way, I really don't care who hears us. Let the world know that I got my girl back." 

"We all got her back," she said as she grinned. It was the first time I saw her truly smile like that. It made me wonder who brought that along. "But don't you want to know if it's really her?" 

"Of course it's really her. Who else would it be?"

"Sebastian, I saw the moment she got out of the pool. My gut hasn't felt the same since. It's like whenever I see her, there is darkness around her that I cannot describe." she explained. 

I stood up from my chair as I was growing impatient and angry. "Grace, I need you to listen to me. Elora is the same as she was when before she died. She is the same person as she was, and it will be the last time I have to explain that to you. To anyone." I paused. "Now, her birthday is coming up and I want you and my sister to help me make it extravagant. Make it the best party that you have ever planned. I have a surprise in store for her and everyone else, so please don't let me down." 

She rose an eyebrow. "Is that an order?"

"No. It's a favor. Big difference." I said. 

As I turned to go out of the library because it was the only reason why I had to go in the first place, Grace stopped me. "Sebastian?"

I faced her now. "Yes?"

"I'm happy for you. I really am. I hope you know that I never wanted to mess things up with us. Or with Elora. You're my family and I would die for you, so I apologize for the awkwardness between both of us." Grace smiled again. "I've moved on and found someone knew if you wanted to know."

"Can you tell me who it is?" I asked. "Or do I have to find out myself?" 

Red splotches came on her face suddenly as she looked away for a second. "If you must know, it is Jasper. We started getting closer in the past few months and I started gaining feelings for him since then."

"Does he feel the same?" I wondered as I placed my hands in my pockets. It was hard to imagine Grace and Jasper together, of all people. But they deserved it and I was happy for her. And for him. He has been through more pain than anyone I know, and I hope he knows that he has a family now. He has us and that means that he'll never be alone ever again. 

Her smile lowered. "I can't figure out the right time to tell him. How does one do it? How do I tell  Jasper Miller that I like him?"

"You know who he is, Grace. He is reserved and quiet and the only person that brings him out of his shell is his sister. But if I were you, I would tell him when he least expects it. I recommend it when we have a little birthday party in a couple of weeks."

"Who knew you could give me relationship advice?" she said as she crossed her arms. 

I rolled my eyes at her comment. I was about to tell her what was on my mind but someone opened the door. I looked and Jasper's head popped out of the doorway. His red hair was tousled and he had on a blue long-sleeve shirt with pants that were black. "Hey, Jasper," I greeted him. "Have you seen your sister yet?" 

"I stopped by your room and she was still asleep, so no. I haven't been able to see her." he told me. 

I only nodded my head while slowly backing away from this room. "Well, I'll leave you two to whatever. Grace, make sure you tell Ellie what I told you. And Jasper, it's always nice to see you."

I left the library and started walking down the hallway. It's been hours and I still couldn't get the image of Elora with black eyes out of my mind. I wanted so badly for her to return normal. I held onto hope that resurrection couldn't change her. But that was false. 

And I knew that seeing those eyes could change everything. It was what my parents told me as a child to make me fall asleep. It was the story of the devil's servants. Creatures that are more deadly than anything I could fathom. Monsters that could kill better and vicious than me. 

I didn't like this one bit. 

I'm supposed to be the one that everyone fears. 


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