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Four months later...

I told myself that she was okay. That she was going to walk in any moment and smile at me like she always does. That she was going to kiss me like there was nothing stopping her.

But she wasn't.

Elora is dead. And she isn't coming back this time. She is not going to wake up beside me. She isn't going to marry me or rule this kingdom by my side.

I can't stop thinking about her. Every minute without her is like being stabbed in the heart with a silver blade. It feels like I'm dying ever single day that she isn't here.

This is all my fault.

I did this to her. I turned her into a fucking vampire and I brought her into this whole mess that I call my life. She would tell me that I have got to stop blaming myself for what I did.

And yet, I still do. I always have the habit of blaming myself, despite my cockiness.

I couldn't help but think of all the people that I lost. My parents, Christian,  and Elora. They were supposed to live for a long time. Not all within two decades. Sometimes I wonder why this all happened. Why everyone I have ever loved seemed to die. Was I not worth it for them to live? I really did not know. But all I know is this sadness and anger within me that never seems to go away even if I tried.

Was I really not worth it?

I slowly closed my eyes, picking up the syringe that was lying on the table in front of me. I was seated in one of the chairs at the bookstore, and I was all alone. Thank God.

I took the cap off and plunged it into my skin, where my vein was showing. Once all the liquid was in my system, I took the needle out and placed it back on the table.

Within seconds, I could feel it take effect. My heart started to slow down until eventually, my whole body went limp leaving my head to slam against the table.

My eyes opened and I realized that I was still in the same spot. But I wasn't in the same place.

I was looking around when I heard a chair slide out from in front of me. I darted my eyes to where it was and I saw her sit down on the wooden chair facing mine.

"You've really got to stop doing this Sebastian," she said, her smile bright and head tilted. "You promised me that you would let me go."

I smiled back at her. I moved closer to her so that I was inches away from her face. My lips touched hers gently like a brush of wind. "Yes, but this is so much better," I whispered in her ear.

Elora backed away from me, her smile still big like the universe just opened up. "But every time you see us, you're one step further to death," she said quietly.

"Then so be it, all I want is to be with you forever." I told her. It was true, it's all I wanted. I didn't care if I died for it, I had to be with her. No matter the consequences. 

Elora was silent. Suddenly, I saw her body slowly fade away like she was a ghost. As if she was a figment of my imagination. I started freaking out, wondering what was happening to her.

"You need to let me go, Sebastian," she said finally before disappearing altogether. I closed my eyes for a second and when I opened again, I realize that I was back in reality again. Great.

I let out an annoyed sigh because I wanted more time. More kissing. More conversation. More of her.

She told me to let her go.

But I wasn't about to do that any time soon.

Not ever.


To Raise the Dead- Book ThreeWhere stories live. Discover now