Ch. 8- Necromancy is Never Easy

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"You got a taste for blood licking your own wounds."

It was the next day and all I could think about was Elora. After all this time, I still can't move on from her. She was the one person that made me be a better person. A better King. And I need her to hear so I can continue being one.

I stood by the window gazing at the empty field on the other side, sipping on a glass of blood. It tasted like normal blood but not as good as royalty blood. It will have to do for now. The white snow sparkled outside; too beautiful to even comprehend. I smiled as I thought of Elora. How she would have loved seeing this.

A knock came from the other side of my door. I ignored it, hopefully, they would go away and leave me alone. But they opened the door instead. I instantly knew it was Kellan. His hands were behind his back as he silently stood next to me. I took another sip of my drink, watching the snow fall outside.

After a few minutes, he finally spoke. "She  really did a number on you, didn't she?" Kellan questioned.

I turned my head toward him and smiled. "She's my everything. There is no one but her as long as I live."

Kellan patted my back and I looked at him suspiciously. "It would be my pleasure to meet her. But send me an invitation to the wedding, I love a big party."

"She can decide on that." I barked out a laugh. "Meanwhile, we have to bring her back to life first. You ready?"

"What kind of question is that, Sebastian?" I'm always ready." Kellan said a little too sharply.

"Then let's go hunt a witch."

And we went.


Kellan drove the car, myself in the passenger seat and the rest of his circle in the back. It was hours later and we still haven't found one. And everyone was getting agitated as time passed. But I tried to hold it together as best as I could.

"Witches are hard to come by these days," Kellan said before turning the car to the left. "Didn't you keep some of them in the dungeons after the war?"

"I did. Unfortunately, I forgot they were down there and my guards didn't feed them." I said truthfully. "They all died."

No one said anything for a good ten minutes after that. We've gotten to an unknown road where not many people go on. I didn't realize there was a road in Ambrosia.

I didn't know if it was pure luck or just Kellan's abilities, but he found a scent. A witch that was using magic was just miles away. He started speeding up until we were close enough. When we were, he turned off the car and turned to his circle in the back.

"Remember what all of you have to do." He said to them. Then to me, "Let's get your witch."

I smiled at that as both of us ran to get to them. There was an old house that was close to ruins and it is where Kellan was getting the scent. As we got inside, we realized that we were outnumbered. We saw a house full of witches on the outskirts of my city.

I bared my fangs and hissed at them, hoping that they will fear me. And they did because they stopped the spell they were casting and looked upon us with terror in their eyes.

"All of you are surrounded. None of you are leaving until you tell us how to find the Red Book." Kellan demanded.

"All of you recognize me as the King of Vampires, yes? Well tell me who your leader is and I will try not to slaughter each one of you. Does that sound like a deal?" I said.

"I am." said a female voice from the back. She stepped in front and I took in her short hazelnut hair and icy blue eyes. Her bronze skin glowed in the afternoon sun and she wore plain jeans and a white top. "I am the leader and I cannot let you get the Red Book. It is too dangerous in the hands of monsters." she sneered.

"Think again, sweetheart," Kellan said. "If you don't allow us, then I will make your little group here give it to us."

"Is that so?" she tilted her head.

In a flash, her head twisted to the side and she fell down to the ground, smearing blood on the floor. A blonde woman with blue eyes took her place as her gaze lingered on me. And she was not particularly happy to see me.

"How many times do I have to pull you and your sister out of trouble?" she snarled.

"It's nice to see you Grace, but we were kind of in the middle of something." I said.

She raised an eyebrow as she took out a large book from her jacket and held it out for us to see. "Oh, you mean this old thing? By the way, your little friends were hesitant on letting me in."

"How did you get the book?" I asked, taking a step toward her. She held it to me and I took it within seconds.

"It was easy if you looked around instead of talking to them first." Grace rolled her eyes. "And you're welcome, Sebastian.

"Thank you." I smiled.

"I hope whatever you are doing is worth it," she whispered so no one could hear. Even if everyone was staring at us. "Don't mess it up, okay. We need her back."

"How's Jasper?" I asked. After she died, I had her watch him and Margot see if they needed anything.

She lowered her eyes to avoid eye contact. "Not good. He just lost his sister after getting her back. How would you feel?"

"Don't tell him anything until it is true," I said. "I don't want him getting his hopes up."

"Kellan, do you wanna do the honors?" I raised a brow.

He smirked and turned to the crowd of witches too afraid to do anything. "Will do."

Grace and I walked out of the ruined building side by side. And then the screaming started.

"I've missed you." she said without looking at me.

"Me too."


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