Ch. 4- Dream a Little Dream of Me

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"Stars fading but I linger on, still craving your kiss. I'm longing to linger till dawn."


Two years ago

I saw her face again in my dreams. She was laughing as though someone has said one of the funniest jokes she has heard and her eyes were full of light. It was strange to see her so happy because when I was with her, there was still something that held back her smile. Like something damaged that part of her and she was never the same again.

Maybe if I would have more time with Segovia, she would have told me. Or maybe she would avoid it by kissing me so I could forget.

But this face -- this face was different. She was younger and her lips were more full.

This woman with scarlet red hair and pale skin walked with a boy. A boy who had blond hair that was cut short and green eyes, who was very much slender. Not like me, that's for sure.

I watched as they finally stopped in front of a house, and that's when I figured out what my subconscious was trying to tell me. I saw the address of the house and where she was probably living. Where this girl that looked like Segovia was at.

How did I not know that she had a twin?

"Are you sure you have to go home? the girl asked the blond boy.

It was impossible. She was very much like her, even had the same voice, which brought a chill down my spine.

"Unfortunately, there are things I need to do other than hang out with you." he said.

The girl stuck out her tongue, while he laughed.

She waved him goodbye finally and I watched as she walked inside. But not before she turned her head, looking at the empty street before her. Where I was standing.

I saw as she trudged off the feeling and closed the door behind her with no knowledge that I was here.

This was not Segovia. I could see now -- she was different.

But who is she?

I blinked once, twice -- and she was gone. 

I woke up in a cold sweat and my dream was now over. But I didn't care. I had to find this girl. As quickly as I could manage, I got dressed and went to find my closest friends. Grace.

She was in the grand library in my castle. As she always was, since she was the overseer of all things with the word vampire in it. I opened the door and found her with a magnifying glass in hand, reading a text in a very old book.

She peered at me and smiled. But there was no time for pleasantries. "Grace, I need you to find someone for me," I said, walking toward where was sitting.

I watched as she set the object down next to her and raised an eyebrow. "And who is this someone? Although I'm not specially equipped to find people, that's more your sister's job."

My head tilted. "This is not a job for her. This is a job for you because I don't want her to find out about this."

"Find out about what?" she questioned, her voice serious again.

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