Ch. 28- Aging Slowly

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"If you're going to be the death of me, that is how I want to go."


If I was actually dying, I should save my energy and not do things that make me tired. I awoke next to Elora, my muscles and bones aching from recent events. She was sound asleep that was much deserved, as Segovia was now gone from her mind.

I walked to the bathroom, my feet screaming in agony as it was still healing from jumping off a building. Closing the door behind me and locking it, I stared at myself in the mirror. And what I saw was a different person. An older man who was dying. Like a mortal. No longer my face was youthful, but tired-looking. I hated it.

A part of me regrets ever making that choice, that this is my consequence for getting involved with bringing back my loved ones who were dead. I became obsessed with it, with not wanting to be lonely ever again. But that other part, my arrogant self, is happy that I actually achieved the impossible.

I snapped out of my thoughts, splashing water on my face to wake up. It was not ideal, but it was the best I could work with today.

Ollie's funeral was today, and all of us who knew him was not ready to put him to rest. He was my friend and the only one that told me the honest truth about Segovia. I should have saved him, should bring him back. But I was much more terrified of making it worse than anything else. I wasn't ready to leave this world just yet.

I took a breath before opening the bathroom door and walking out. Elora stood in front the body mirror as she was putting on a pair of dangly earrings. She noticed me and turned her eyes toward me. "Hey." she said.

"Good morning, love," I mumbled. I still couldn't get the image of her on the ledge, or hearing her say she gave up. Maybe it was her, or Segovia manipulating her, but I couldn't forget even if I tried.

Elora wore a black dress that ended at her knees and her hair was tied up in a bun. Red lipstick was in her lips and I wanted so badly to kiss her but it would mess to her makeup.

Meanwhile, I wore nothing but trunks. I should get ready for the funeral. But it was like all the energy has been ripped out of me. I don't want this, I thought.

"Your father came by while you were in the bathroom and said he would placed i the crypt because he was part of the family in a way," Elora said as she put on her heels. I went into my closet and started getting dressed in a suit.

"Sounds like he has all the best ideas," I said without thinking.

Once I placed a black tie around my neck, she spoke again. "Just remember you are the King. And that I love you."

I walked out of the closet and placed my arms around Elora. I could tell I surprised her. "I love you too, my Queen," I said to her.

She stared into my eyes. "Are you going to be okay today? This is the first time we are going out to the public and telling them everything. And Ollie's funeral,"

Yes, I was tired. Yes, I was angry at her. But those eyes of hers seem to make me do crazy things every single time. I was a King and I bowed to no one. But I will happily bow down to her if she wanted me to.

"I wish I could hold you in my arms forever and not let you go." I started to say. "I want to protect you from everything wrong in the world. But I know you can do it all on your own."

She narrowed her eyes. "Why are you saying this right now?"

"If it comes down to it that you have to rule by herself, I want you to know how strong you are." It was as if all the words that I was thinking for a while came bursting out. "You are my girl, Elora, but you are also going to be Queen of Ambrosia."

"Sebastian, what are you talking about?" she questioned.

I sighed. "I will always choose you,"And those words made her realize what I was saying, but not really. She was about to say something but I spoke. "Let's gets the funeral."

And at last, we walked out hand in hand.


His funeral was quick, to say the least. All of us had to watch my sister say goodbye to Ollie one last time. She cried and it was like watching Ellie being born all over again. I never seen her like this, nor everyone else. Each one of us placed a rose over his crypt and on top of it had an engraving on it.
In loving memory of Oliver Huntington.
May forever be peaceful.

My family stood there for a long time, remembering all the times with Ollie. He always had a good heart and I wanted to apologize to him for making him leave all those years ago. But I could not.

I held Elora tight, not wanting to let her go. "Thank you for saving me, Ollie." she said at last.

"Thank you for being a great friend to me, even when I didn't deserve it," I admitted. "Thank you for loving my sister with everything you have."

Through the sobs, Ellie spoke with a quiet voice. "I didn't get the chance to tell you how I felt. I lied and told you I could never forgive you. But in truth, I did. I love you and I will never feel the same way towards anyone else. You have my heart forever, Ollie. But most of all, thank you for loving me and always seeing me like I was normal."

It was sad day.


I stood in front of the city of Ambrosia. Residents and guests came to hear me speak as it was a long time since I last did this. I was preoccupied that I forgot my duties as a King.

Elora stood next to me with a straight face while I looked over my people. "I know I haven't been the best King to you all, but I've come here to make amends." I took a breath. "As many of you know, Elora Miller died four months ago. She sacrificed herself to save me, to save us. I vowed to not give up until I had her back. She was my Queen. And she still is."

I heard many gasps come from the crowd. "Before she died, I asked her to be my wife. She happily said yes. And many of you heard, but the original royal family have returned from the dead, too. They couldn't be here today because they are currently mourning a loss."

I saw that everyone here seemed to understand. I felt a hand on my shoulder. It was Elora. "Can I speak?" she asked.

I nodded my head. "Sure."

She walked to the front, raising her head in the air like a Queen. "I know many of you know me for what I was, for the bad things I did. I let all of you down and I am deeply sorry for that. But I wanted to speak to you because Ambrosia has became my home. And it would be a dream for everyone here to accept me as your future Queen."

There was silence in the crowd, which made both of us uneasy. Then someone yelled through the crowd. "All Hail the King and Queen!"

A second later, someone else yelled too. "All Hail King Sebastian and Queen Elora."

I glanced at Elora and all she did was give me a smile.


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