Ch. 12- Darkness Consumes Us

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"Hell is the absence of the people you long for."



She's going to be my wife. My darling Elora is going to be my Queen. I can't believe it. I can't believe she's alive and said yes to me. I watched her as I was sitting beside my desk, going over paperwork from the last few months. I let her be alone by herself out in the balcony. I could tell that in the last few days of her resurrection, it has hit her like a brick. She was no longer some halfling, but now only a Fae. The wind blew her hair with a steady pace and I could smell her scent all the way from in here. A smell so uniquely her own, there was not any other smell compared to hers. 

I had an idea in my mind, one that held like glue and wasn't going anywhere until I act upon this idea. Everyone told me that bringing Elora back from the dead was a terrible one. That the dead should stay dead and I should not be messing with that kind of power. But I cannot. After what she told me about being alone in darkness and not surrounded by happiness, I can't help but wonder if all of my dead loved ones are like that. if they're alone with their pain and are suffering when I am sitting here, loving everything about my life.

I needed a break, so I got up and stretched my legs. But what I needed was my sister. I needed her here. She needed to see what I've done, even if there is a probability that she might drive a stake through my heart because of it. I unlocked my cell phone and dialed her number. I waited for her to answer, but she didn't. I decided to call her again, to at least calls a truce. Luckily, after the second time, she answered. 

"What do you want?" she said with a harshness that I had not recognized. 

"Well hello to you too, Ellie." I said. 

"Hi, now what do you want?"

"I'm surprised you haven't heard what's been going on." She didn't answer so I began to speak again. "Well if you must know, I might have brought your favorite person back from the dead."

"You didn't!" she yelled. 

"I did." 

She hung up and not even a second later, a fist went through my stomach and it made me fly backward towards the end of the hallway. Glass shattered all around me and I stood up again. In front of me was my sister, all raven hair and violet eyes that were bright with rage. "Sister, I didn't know you were back?" I asked, puffing out air so I can regain my strength.

She sped toward me once again and punched me again, this time it was right in the jaw. "You couldn't leave well enough alone, could you? No, you had to bring her back because you don't know how to live without her." I was on my knees and she grabbed my shirt so that I wouldn't escape. Her fist went into contact with my cheek. Again and again, until blood spooled out of my face. 

"I had to watch you slowly kill yourself over her, and now that she is back--"

"I'm going to marry her, Ellie. She is the only one for me. There is nothing I wouldn't do for her. Nothing I wouldn't do for my family. For you. I know how to bring them back, sister. I know how to bring our parents back. Christian. Everyone we all lost." 

"What is going on?" said a feminine voice behind Ellie. Both of us looked at the behind and I knew it was Elora. Beautiful Elora. She had her arms crossed and she was looking from me to Ellie with a narrowed expression. 

At that moment, Ellie let go of me and stood up, holding her gaze at my future wife. I spit out blood and slowly did the same. I didn't know if it was my age but my healing powers haven't been working as it used too. But now was not the time to think about that. 

"Ellie?" she asked, her eyes wide. "Is that really you?"

She nodded her head once. "Well, besides my vampirism being gone, I'm still the same as the moment I closed my eyes for the last time." She let out a slight laugh at her morbid joke. 

My sister took a step toward her. Then another and another until they were in each other's embrace. "But as I can see, you and Sebastian are having differences." Elora let go of her and looked at us both with a tired look. "Now what is it, or do I have to use my Fae powers to make you tell me?" 

I let out a slight breath without meaning to. "Well, it was the matter of you and how I brought you back." 

Elora moved her head to look at Ellie. She stared at her like she just killed her cat. "You didn't want me to come back?" she asked. "Why?"

"Don't get me wrong, Elora, this is the best day that I've had since you died. But I believe that people should not be able to come back from the dead. It has consequences that we all have to pay." she looked at me with a deathly glare. 

"So you're telling me that an immortal vampire doesn't believe that someone should come back? Ellie, I not only died once-- I died three times! You never will know what kind of pain that feels like because you were born being dead."

I didn't say anything. I didn't want to because it was their argument, not mine. It would be painful if I got in the middle of it. 

"I love you, Elora. You're going to be my sister and I'm so joyous that you are finally going to be apart of my family. But I had to watch my brother tear apart his life piece by piece when you died. I had to watch him carry your dead body to the crypt with tears in his eyes--"

"That's enough, Ellie." I said finally. "Let's not talk about it at this moment."

My sister turned to face me. "Why? Don't you want her to know what kind of pain we all caused while she was gone? Don't you want to tell her how you almost killed yourself because you couldn't move on?

"Be quiet." I warned.

She turned back around and crossed her arms. "I'm glad you're alive but that doesn't mean I forgive you for what you did." 

"I died, Ellie!" she screamed in anger. "I fucking died and you have the audacity to be angry at me because of it! That's not fair." 

"No, you didn't just die of natural causes, Elora. You sacrificed yourself! There is a big difference between those two." 

As my sister was about to turn around, Elora pushed her against a wall and held her hand to her throat. "You don't know the kind of things I had to torment while I was dead!" she yelled as she choked her. I raced towards her and let go of her, holding her shoulders in place. But what I saw what something else entirely. Her bright red hair was in flames and her eyes-- her eyes that were usually hazel were now nothing but black. There was no white in her eyes and a pang of fear went through me. Not even a second later, she turned back to normal. I thought I was losing my mind, but as I looked at my sister, I knew that I was not the only one that saw it. 

What just happened?


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