Ch. 22- Unfamiliar Territory

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"Come back. Even a shadow, even as a dream."


Segovia cannot ruin my life again. I will make sure of it. I will get that evil girl out of Elora, and I will make sure that she suffers for all of eternity. We have been through so much just for Segovia to end us once and for all.

But first: breakfast with my family.

It was morning, the sun was shining, illuminating Elora's room. And beside me, was her. The woman whom is the best damn thing to ever happen to me. She was still sleeping, and I wanted so badly to wake her up because we were going to be late. But I could not. I wanted her to rest. Even if it's for a few hours.

I decided to get dressed while she slept peacefully in the bed. I open the door quietly and promptly left, finding some clothes for today. There was none in her room, which left my mess of the room. I walked through the hallway, where all of my family members had their chambers. I was almost naked, but I never cared about modesty in my home.

I got to my room, bigger than any other bedroom in the castle. It was clean. No visible evidence of there ever being a mess. The servants must have cleaned through the night.

I changed into a light blue collar and black dress pants. It was simple outfit, not made for a King like me.

This is the first time in a long time that I was going to dine with my family. With my parents. With my siblings. With the love of my life and her family. My friends. It sure will be different and very weird for them to be back.

Once I was done combing my hair, I heard a click of the door. It was Elora. I could smell her lavender scent. I instantly moved my lips in a thin line. She walked into the room with her eyes half closed and only her undergarments on. I would gladly want to see that every morning for the rest of my immortal life.

"Good morning," I said to her. She walked up to me and placed both arms around me without thinking. Elora must still be asleep. "I thought you were asleep?"

"I wake up when I realize you aren't in bed with me," she murmured in my chest. "What are the plans for today?"

"Breakfast. With everyone," I admitted. "You up for that?"

She lifted her head, staring into my eyes. Elora was fully awake now. "You mean, everyone as in your parents?"

I nodded my head. "Yes, they will be there. I think it is time for you to properly meet my father."

"And your mother, who hates me." she said in a defiant tone.

"You know she doesn't. She loves you and I am going to prove it to you."

"If you say so. But it it turns out that you are wrong, you owe me."

I narrowed my eyes. "And what would I owe you?"

"You are going to have to wait and see, Sebastian Breevort." And that was the last thing she said before running into the closet to pick out clothes for breakfast.



I wondered what would Sebastian's father would think of me now. I lashed out last night— I had a breakdown and broke everything in sight. He could probably hear it. Everyone could.

I guess, if I had to face death multiple times, I could surely face Charles and Audrey.

Sebastian and I were ready. I decided to wear light blue jumpsuit, matching with him. I never wore it before, but today is a day full of changes so I thought it would be best to wear it. My hair was in curls and my lip was the color of roses. It was a look made for breakfast.

Hand in hand, we went to the heart of the castle. In the dining room, in which held a long table made to fit at least ten people. There was many glasses, full of both blood and mimosas. For the ones who could eat, me included, there were plates full of varieties of food. Oh, so this is how the Breevort's did breakfast, I thought.

Sebastian sat at the end of the table, and I sat at the other end. This is the one thing I learned from being here, there was always some sort of traditions that they held when they were alive. And now, we have to do it all over again. Meanwhile, Ellie and Christian sat by each other. Their parents sat on the other side. Jasper and Margot next to me. And Grace and Jax on the other side.

I was in the Queen's chair, and Sebastian was in the King's. It was unfamiliar because we weren't even married yet. My nerves were all over the place, all because of this breakfast.

"I wanted to have this breakfast with all of you because I wanted all of you together." Charles said at last. "And new family that I have yet to meet properly." He looked right at me.

I could tell that Jax and Margot were nervous as they were in a room full of vampires. I gave them a reassuring smile before turning back to the conversation. "Yes, I believe we haven't met in the best of circumstances," I said in what was my regal voice. "I'm Elora Miller.,"

"Ah, yes. Elora. You are the woman who brought Agnes down and ended the war. Who survived being a vampire and Fae and all the other obstacles that you faced," he said. "I've heard a lot about you."

I darted my eyes to Sebastian, who actually looked nervous. I looked back. I hope their not as bad as I would presumed them to be,"

Charles had almost the same features as Sebastian. They had the same regal manner in them and arrogance. I could tell. "Not at all. I am actually appalled by you. My children and the rest at this table love you very much and I can see why."

My cheeks began to redden, at everyone staring right at me. "Well, thank you," It was the only thing I could say.

He leaned toward me, like what he was saying next was only for me to hear. "You changed lives, Elora Miller. You may think the opposite but I believe you can change the entire world if you wanted to. I will eternally be grateful for bring my children and wife back to me."

"But that was not my doing," I said. "I was dead myself and was brought back the same way you did."

"All because of love, Elora Miller," he said while smiling. "What was a monster held a man capable of love in its place."

I smiled at last. "Now I see where he gets it from,"

He scrunched his eyebrows together. "Get what from."

"Sebastian's flare for the dramatic," I said. "It must run in the family."

"And others, too." said Audrey, who was staring right at her only daughter. Ellie scowled and took a sip of her glass of blood, rolling her eyes.

Charles and Audrey laughed together, which I have not seen Audrey laugh before. I leaned back in the my seat, grabbing a piece of meat and chewing on it. I was still getting used to it, having to survive on human food and not blood. But I will manage. Somehow I always do.

We talked all the way through the morning. Eating and getting to know each other in a new light. My family eased their nervousness and Margot was talking to Audrey about wedding plans. Ellie and Christian spoke to each other in a quiet voice while Sebastian listened intently. Jasper and I talked about our magic, and how we could use it to be useful in ways we couldn't imagine.

This was my family. A little messed up and complicated. We fight and make up, but we're still family and we love each other.

We were back, in full force and better than ever.

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