Introducing Lily Everdeen

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Whoever said the worst place to be was dead, obviously never lived in District 12. I am Lily Everdeen and I live there with my twin sister Katniss, our younger sister Prim, and our mother. My father really had a thing for flowers cause he named all three of us after them. My father died in a mine explosion when Katniss and I were around 11. And that was seven years ago. Ever since that day our mom has been in a depressing stage that is keeping her from helping us survive as a family.  She put the burden onto me and Katniss. The two of us would venture off to the woods outside the boarder of 12 every day to hunt for food. Unfortunately for us, poaching is against the law in Panem, because the Capitol would rather us starve then go against their ridiculous rules. Katniss would get her hidden stash of arrows and her bow, while I would get my hunting knives. Normally we would go hunting with our best friend Gale. It's obvious however that he has feelings for Katniss and she returns those feelings for him. But they have no problem making me the third wheel. 

Living in Panem is a place where we die slowly everyday; whether its physically or mentally. The whole perimeter is surrounded by fencing, cause the Capitol has to keep us in our cage. It's an electric fence that is supposed to be on, but it never is; that's how Katniss, Gale, and I manage to sneak off into the woods. Gale once said that District 12 was where, "One can starve to death in safety". and he's right. Nothing unsafe ever happens in twelve. Unless you count the mine explosions.

The one day we all dread is of course when the Reaping resurfaces for the annual Hunger Games. The odds have so far been always in our favor because no one in our family (including Gale) has been chosen. Each year we are always terrified one of us would be forced into the Games, if that were to happen there would be one less person to help the family stay afloat. Our district hasn't won since Haymitch Abernathy, and he's a drunkard. 

This year is different because now that Prim is twelve years old, she is eligible to have her name put in. Since it's only her first year though, it is only in there once. So she'll be fine this year. There's no way that with the dozens of girls who's name is in the bowl that her's will get picked.

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