Chapter 54

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Black seemed to be my outfit color of choice now. It's what Effie had me squeeze into for the execution. A black outfit similar but not exactly- to my Mockingjay costume. 

"Well, it's bound to be quite the show," Effie noted as she dusted off the my shoulder and back, removing dust from the costume. She put on pin in my hair, keeping it flowing down but out of my face, then she embraced me, "You look as lovely as ever darling. Just beautiful." She breathed. 

I just stared at my reflection in the mirror, thinking back to my first Games. My mom called me beautiful in my Reaping dress and Prim said she wished she looked like me. I brushed a tear away thinking of my sister. I couldn't cry yet. 

"Finishing touches," Effie scampered to the table to grab my knives, with her back turned to me I put the little pill in my hand in the little pocked by my chest. She clipped my knives to my arms, and my waist. I looked at the finished look and nodded.


Drums played as I approached the opening where originally the Tribute Parade would end, the execution was going to take place in the center circle. I walked out, ready and willing. Coin walked out on a platform overlooking the area.  I made it to the center and the soldiers who fought on the rebel side got to fill in the whole street that the Tributes would ride down. The remaining six victors were already waiting for me and Snow stood in the middle of everything, tied to a pole awaiting his demise. 

I could feel Peeta's eyes on me as I passed him and the other Tributes, yet I kept my eyes glued to Snow. I stood in front of him awaiting my orders.

Coin extended her arms and spoke to the masses, "Welcome! To the new Panem! Today, on the Avenue of the Tributes, all of Panem, a free Panem, will watch more than a mere spectacle. We are gathered to witness an historic moment of justice. Today, the greatest friend of the revolution will fire the shot to end all wars," I looked up at her and a few thoughts emerged in my mind, "May her knife signify the end of tyranny and the beginning of a new era. Mockingjay." She called to me, "May your aim be as true as your heart is pure," She extended her arms again.

I got into my prep stance, and put a knife in my hand. I looked between the two people in front of me. I squinted, looking at Snow, the corner of his mouth was red. He was holding back another cough. I knew right away that he was going to die soon, whether or not is was my knife that ended his life. More thoughts swarmed, She's just like him... I looked up and thought a word I threw the knife right at her eye. Peeta once said I would get my prey in the eye every time; and he was right. She fell forward, off the platform and the tip of the knife went through to the other side of her head. Snow started laughing as the rebels started running screaming that they were going to kill him themselves. As he laughed he spat blood out of his mouth. I reached into my pocket and pulled out the nightlock pill. People started pushing past me to get to Snow but Peeta saw what I was doing and he ran up to me and slapped the pill out of my hand. He looked at me shocked and confused yet he said nothing. 

One of Coin's men grabbed me and started pulling me back, I struggled looking at Peeta. He looked like he wanted to help me but the mob was preventing him from doing so. 

Thinking about what I just did, I couldn't help but smile.


I walked calmly surrounded by guards as they led me to my holding area. Once inside I sat down, and took off my gloves, the guards had already confiscated my weapons and patted me down for any concealed articles. 

After a few minutes a guard came in and whispered to the men keeping watch over me, the three of them left leaving the door open for someone to come in, I stood up unsure of who to expect. When Haymitch walked in I calmed down a bit. I sat back down with my back against the wall and Haymitch sat by my side quietly. 

"I'll say this for you Lily," He moved his hair out of his face and looked at me, "You never disappoint," There was a ghost of a smile on his face then he turned to the paper in his hands, "Plutarch gave me a letter for you," I rolled my eyes, A letter? "I guess I'll read it for you," He sighed opening it up, "Lily, maybe the country was shocked tonight by your knife, but once again I was not. You were exactly who I believed you were. Now I wish I could give you a proper good-bye. But with both Coin and Snow dead, the fate of the country will be decided tonight, and I can't be seen by your side. No matter how much I want to be. Tonight, the 12 District leaders will call for a free election. There's little doubt that Paylor will carry it. She's become the voice of reason. I'm sorry so much burden fell on you. I know you'll never escape it. But if I had to put you through it again for this outcome I would. You're a born leader, you sparked a change," Haymitch stole a glance at me and continued reading, "The war's over. We'll enter that sweet period where everyone agrees not to repeat the recent horrors. Of course; we're fickle, stupid beings, with poor memories and a great gift for self-destruction. Although, who knows? Maybe this time, we'll learn. I've secured you a ride out of The Capitol. It's better for you to be out of sight. And when the time is right, Commander Paylor will pardon you. The country will find its peace. I hope you get yours. Plutarch." 

I watched Haymitch fold the letter back up, "Now what?"

He nodded kindly to me, "Now...we go home."


I got on a nice warm coat and Haymitch met me outside my door so we could walk out together. We left the mansion and walked down the front steps where Effie was waiting for us. 

"I couldn't let you go without a proper good-bye," she smiled sadly at me, I enveloped her in a hug, she squeezed me lovingly, she held me at arm's length, "You need to take care of yourself now Lily, do the necessary healing. You deserve it."

"Deserve what?" I asked confused.

"The life of a Victor."

I gave her a small smile, "Good-bye Effie."

"Good-bye my girl," She hugged me again, I could hear her sniffling behind my head.

I walked a little away so her and Haymitch could say their good-byes. Then the two of us got on our train and sped away from the Capitol.


The train ride was silent. But not entirely; i remember looking out the window at the rolling hills and stating to Haymitch, "Peeta didn't even say good-bye." My voice shook as a tear rolled down my face. Haymitch just looked at me sadly and said nothing in response. 

When we got to the Victor's village I didn't say anything as I left Haymitch in front of his house and opened the door to mine. Stepping inside a part of me wished I hadn't brought the damn cat to base; cause maybe now I wouldn't be alone. I didn't even bother to change clothes as I laid down on the sofa, falling into a dreamless sleep. 

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