Chapter 21

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The next day I got changed into the tight training uniform, Peeta and I walked into the training center.

"Try to stay cool, Lily. Today is about making allies." Peeta reminded me.

Walking in, there was practically no one in there, "So far I feel we're gonna have trouble picking people out." I told him.

Peeta hesitated trying to come up with a solution, "I guess we just try to figure out who we trust at least. And work our way backwards from there."

I nodded in agreement and started walking around. At the knife station I saw Gloss hitting the holographic targets perfectly, grunting loudly with each throw. Then his sister handed him one more and the two of them threw a knife at the last target seamlessly.

Alone in another area was Johanna thrashing around with her ax. When she saw me looking, she sent me a smug smirk and returned to her training. Another Tribute I saw was very talented with a javelin, they threw it once and got two targets at the same time. He was very muscular but he reminded me of the Tribute who killed Rue with the very same weapon. I turned away and walked in a different direction. Seeing the Victors from District 3 working in the survival area, I walked over.

Beetee was trying to make a fire and Wiress was watching.

"Friction generates heat. Heat generates fire. In theory." Beetee spoke aloud, however he was not successful in making a fire.

"Try moving your hands downward as you rub them together," I suggested. The both of them looked up at me, I demonstrated for them without touching their work, "And rub faster." I told him as I sat down on the floor to watch.

Beetee took my advice and within a few seconds there was smoke coming from the wood, Wiress gasped in astonishment, "A little brute force..."

" always helpful." Beetee finished, then he looked at me and smiled, "Thank you." I smiled back.

"By the corner of the table," Wiress got our attention looking up where the Capitol inspectors were watching us.

Looking in her direction all I saw was "Plutarch?"

Beetee lifted his glasses to get a better view, "No, next to him." Wiress told me.

"Force-field." Beetee stated.

"How do you know?"

"The shimmering." Beetee explained, I looked at them confused, "Top left hand side." He guided my eyes until I finally saw a slight shimmer between Plutarch and me.

"It separates us from them." Wiress told me.

"I think that's my fault, I threw a knife at them last year."

"It's electromagnetic." Beetee concluded.

"How can you tell?" I asked and Wiress started laughing, "What?"

"They might as well have a sign."

"Look around you." Beetee instructed, "All of the holograms, the lights, every now and then they flicker. Why is that?" He questioned.

"They must be taking up too much power with the force-field." I guessed.

"There's always a flaw in the system."

Looking away from the Gamemakers I saw Mags by herself at they knot tying station, saying bye to the two of them, I went to join her.

Looking at her work I was very impressed, "That looked amazing." I complimented, she looked at me and gave me a sad smile, "I watched you volunteer for that girl, and I thought you were very brave."

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