Chapter 53

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Pain. Confusion. Sorrow. Those are the emotions I was feeling as I sat at a table in my room. In the middle of the table was the rose in a vase of water, in my hand was a glass of scotch. I didn't like drinking but at that moment I didn't know what else to do. Normally I would've sought refuge with my sister....but that wasn't possible anymore. My next option would've been Peeta but I hadn't seen him since Tigris's place. So there was my last resort, I almost chuckled cause I realized at that moment it the scotch that Haymitch used to drink. Suddenly my door opened, I was about to snap at whoever it was- Didn't they have enough common courtesy to knock before barging into someone else's room? Looking up my whole demeanor changed.

"Gale." I breathed. I put the glass on the table and stood up, running to him. He opened his arms and hugged me tightly. I almost didn't even think about how he must have been handling Katniss and Prim's death. He was basically a part of our family too; and he loved Katniss, he treated Prim like she was his sister. 

He pulled away from the hug, he looked at me sadly but then after a second his face went more neutral, "President Coin asked for you."

My whole face dropped, he wasn't here because he wanted to see me...He was there on orders. "You never visited me while I was in recovery," I stated.

He paused, looking at his feet, "I wanted to...I did...But..."

I stopped him, "Did Coin order the bomb?" He didn't answer. I kept a calm exterior when speaking, "The explosion that killed thousands of men, women, and children. The bomb that killed not just one- but both- of my sisters. Was it you?" 

He swallowed a lump in his throat, "I don't know." He looked so upset, "All I know is...that I was supposed to take care of your family. That's all you asked me to do when you first went off to the Games and I continued to do it through the Quell. Now I'm sorry I failed you." 

I took a step away and looked at him. "You didn't fail me. You failed Katniss. Good-bye Gale." 

I saw tears well in his eyes as he turned his back to me and left me alone in my room.


I waited a few minutes to compose myself before going to the meeting room where Coin was waiting for me. Initially I was expecting the room to just contain her and possibly Plutarch so I was slightly stunned to see more people inside. 

"What's this?" I asked confused, locking eyes with Haymitch, Beetee, Johanna... and Peeta.

"The remaining Victors. Please; join us." Coin welcomed, motioning to the table. I sat betweek Peeta and Haymitch- across from Coin, "I have invited you all here for several reasons, but first I have an announcement. I have taken the burden and honor of declaring myself Interim President of Panem." I froze, and a part of me wanted to roll my eyes Yeah. Burden my ass. 

Haymitch coughed, "Interim? Exactly how long is that interim?" He asked. 

She shook her head, "We have no way of knowing for certain. But it's clear that the people are far too emotional right now to make a rational decision," I continued to stare right at her but she never made eye contact with me, "We'll plan an election when the time is right. But I have called you here for a far more important vote. A symbolic vote. This afternoon we will execute Snow. Hundreds of his accomplices also await their deaths. Capitol officials, Peacekeepers, torturers, Gamemakers," I looked over at Johanna who had her head back on the chair and a smile on her face, "But the danger is, once we begin, the rebels will not stop calling for retribution. Thirst for blood is a difficult urge to satisfy. So I offer an alternative plan. Majority of four may approve of it. No one may abstain." Her eyes locked with mine, "The proposal is this: In lieu of these barbaric executions, we hold a symbolic Hunger Games."

My breath hitched in my throat. Haymitch put his cup back on the table without taking a sip out of it. Johanna started laughing.

"You want to hold a Hunger Games with the Capitol's children?" She looked at Coin. 

"You're joking right?" Peeta put his hands on the table and looked at Coin seriously.

"Not in the slightest."

"Is this Plutarch's idea?" Haymitch asked biting on his thumb-nail. 

"It was mine," She admitted, "It balances the need for revenge with the least loss of human life."

I was getting so heated with rage I weighed the options in my head, Oh yeah cause what better way to finish the rebellion of the unfair Hunger Games then by punishing those who tortured us with the very thing they put us through. No matter how bad it was for us, and no matter how much I hate the Capitol; no one deserves to go through what we did. Coin knows nothing about the games cause she didn't fight in them. On the other hand, what a sweet way for revenge, this is the chance we have to show them what shit they've been putting the districts in for years. 

"Now you may all cast your votes." Coin scanned the table.

"No." Peeta didn't hesitate. "Obviously not, this is crazy," He agreed.

Johanna sat up, "I think it's more than fair. Snow's got a granddaughter. I say yes."

One of the other women agreed, "I say yes. Let's let them have a little taste of what we suffered through." 

"This way of thinking is what started the uprising!" Peeta told them. 

"I vote no with Peeta," Annie stared at the table solemnly, "It's what Finnick would've wanted, he would've voted no if her were here."

"But he's not." Johanna snapped, "Because Snow killed him."

Beetee just looked at Coin, "No. We need to stop viewing each other as enemies."

Coin nodded respectfully and looked at Haymitch and I, "It's down to Lily and Haymitch."

My thoughts continued to race- They're the reason thousands of people are dead. They're the reason District 12 no longer exists. Rue, Finnick, Katniss, baby... all of them are dead because of these games and what came after. I'd made my decision. I looked up at Coin. "I'll do it. I'll kill Snow."

Coin gave me a small smile, "I expected that of you."

I nodded, "Then I vote yes," I paused, "For my sisters...and my baby." I could see Peeta in my peripheral vision, at my words he looked down at his hands but said nothing. 


I turned my head to my left, he was already looking at me. Haymitch and I just stared at each other. He knew above all that killing Snow would help me feel I've avenged my lost loved ones. And I knew that deep down he wanted Snow dead as much as me, maybe even more for reasons I had yet to find out. He looked at me then down at the table.

Not looking up he answered, "I'm with the Mockingjay." 

Coin nodded, "That carries the vote. Excellent. We'll announce the Games tonight after the execution."

After being dismissed I wanted nothing more then to go to Peeta and talk to him; but I couldn't- not yet anyway. So I got up and left to my quarters. There it seemed Effie was already waiting for me with an outfit all picked out and ready to go. It was bound to be an interesting evening. 

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