Chapter 48

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I looked around in wonder when I stepped off the ladder into the sewage system under the Capitol. 

"My brother knows these tunnels really well," Castor told us cleaning off his hands, "He worked sanitation down here. Right after they made him and Avox." Pollux led the way, he took a few steps and stopped, slightly trembling his breathing seemed to get quicker. Castor put his hand on his brother's shoulder trying to comfort him, "Hey. You gonna be okay? Look at me. We're going to get through this. I promise." Pollux sniffled as he nodded and put his hand out, instructing him to stay behind him. Castor turned to me as Pollux slowly took steps forward trying to get himself comfortable being back there, "Took us five years to buy his way outta here. He didn't see the sun once."

I looked at the ground awkwardly, unsure if I should respond to that. I saw Pollux waving us forward, we started to follow him. 


After about an hour we made it to the train/subway tracks, I cautiously led the way with the Holo in my hand. A low roar started increasing in volume, the lights from the train lit up the right tracks so I bolted and had the squad hide in the blind spot by a pillar. I watched as the train rode past, unaware of our presence. I waited for the entirety of the vehicle to pass before nodding to Pollux. I looked in the direction that the train had come from, scanned it with the Holo, and when it came back clean I turned to look at him. 

"We're really exposed, we're sitting ducks if we get spotted."

Pollux looked around then motioned for us to follow him, we crept to a door connected to a wall. We quickly scuffled through unseen. Or so we thought. We walked through a small hall before going down another ladder. I huffed as I pulled out the Holo to check our surroundings. 

Pollux nodded his head ahead of us and I checked the Holo before nodding my head, "Clear." I breathed and started walking forward. I looked around in bewilderment, who knew below the Capitol were these enormous tunnels.

We walked through a more narrow hall when suddenly pipes blew air every which way at us. It was hot, we all crouched down to possibly stay out of the line of fire but some hot air blasted in my ear and I flinched covering it. 

"Everyone okay?" Jackson asked from the end of the line, for the most part we all turned and nodded before proceeding. 

"We're decent," I responded looking forward again. 

As we got deeper in the tunnels one of the wings was almost full with water. It was just full enough where we could walk with our heads above the surface, everyone holding either a weapon or article of importance over the water. I lead the group with the Holo, careful to not get it wet; I wasn't too worried about my knives. Where as some people held their guns, or in Peeta's case he held his handcuffs over his head. The water slowly started going down and we could all walk normally again.

"Alright, let's stop here for a bit and get some rest, yeah?" Jackson recommended. 

We went up three steps into a small hall. Behind me I heard Finnick instruct Peeta where to sit, I turned and saw he was staying right by the door...away from me. I frowned sadly and tried to make myself comfortable. My breathing was heavy as I lowered myself to the ground, I looked over at Peeta who felt my stare and met my eyes with his. It was like he didn't recognize me. I faced away and kept my eyes in front of me, trying not to let any of them see me cry. Slowly I drifted off to sleep. But it was short lived, cause soon after Jackson was tapping my leg telling me it was my turn to keep watch. 

Reluctantly, I got a knife in my hands and stood up, we were the only two people awake. I let her take my spot as I went my the steps where we had entered and propped myself on the ground again. Peeta was directly in front of me, it looked like he was sleeping. I turned my attention to the door and tried not to think about him. 

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