Chapter 6

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"Tomorrow they'll bring you in one-by-one and evaluate you." Haymitch said at dinner, "This is important because higher ratings mean sponsors. This is the time to show them everything. There will be knives there, make sure you use them. Peeta make sure to show off your strength." He instructed, "They'll start with District 1 so you two will go last. Now I don't know how else to say this. But make sure they remember you."


It was finally time. Peeta and I went down together and waited silently, until finally the mechanical voice called out, "Lily Everdeen."

Shaking, I stood up and took a few steps; Peeta spoke up which cased me to turn around to look at him.

"Hey Lily. Throw straight." He smiled, shyly I returned it before walking through the metal doors.

When I got inside the whole training area was deserted and the weapons were all up against the wall. I walked straight to the knives and picked up a handful. At first they felt uneven in my hands but I knew after a throw of two I would get used to them. I looked up to the gamemakers, but they weren't paying attention to me.

"Lily Everdeen," I called out projecting so they all turned their heads in my direction, "District 12."

I faced the targets and aimed one of the knives. I took a deep breath, then I threw it. There was laughter from where the Gamemakers sat. I was embarrassed that it landed on the target's hand, in a real situation that wouldn't buy me much time. Looking back up I noticed that the Gamemakers had gone back to their previous conversations, only some were considerate enough to keep watching me. I took another knife into my dominant hand. Staring at the target I tried to picture a deer, I was hunting for my family. The knife flew threw the air and impaled the target's eye. Triumphantly, I smiled. But none of the Gamemakers were watching me anymore. What kind of bullshit is that? They are supposed to be paying attention to whoever is showing their skill.

Suddenly Seneca Crane, the Head Gamemaker walked by a group of other Gamemakers, fawning over a pig they had ordered. That's when I got an idea. Peeta said I always get my target, let's see if he's right. I took my third knife and threw it. I had to stop myself from laughing, he was right. I threw the knife so it forced the apple out of the pig's mouth and stuck to the wall. As expected, all eyes were on me. I smiled and bowed. 

"Thank you for your consideration." I put the leftover knives down and left. I left them all there silent.


"Are you CRAZY?" Effie scolded me later that night after Peeta and I got back.

"I just got mad."

"MAD? You realize that your actions reflect badly on all of us! Not just you!" She pointed out.

Cinna took my side, "They just want a good show. It's fine."

"How about it's just bad manners Cinna! How about that?" she jabbed her fan in our direction. The door opened and Haymitch came in, "Well finally! I hope you've noticed we have a serious situation!" she stated.

Haymitch looked at me, he smiled and gave me a thumbs up, "Nice throwing sweetheart!" He praised, laughing as he sat down, "What did they say when you shot the pig?" He wondered curious.

"Well they were pretty surprised," I breathed.

He had a laugh that said well no shit. "Now what did you say, 'thanks for your....." I laughed.

"Thanks for your consideration," I finished.

He laughed even laughing, "Genius!"

"I don't think we're going to find this funny if the Gamemakers decide to take it out on..." Haymitch stopped her.

"On who? On her?" He pointed to me, "On him?" He moved his finger to Peeta, "I think they already have. Loosen your corset. Have a drink." He turned back to me, "I would have given anything to see it."

The TV turned on by itself and the face of Caesar Flickerman appeared on the screen, "As you know, the Tributes were rated on a scale from 1 to 12 after three days of careful evaluation. The Gamekeepers would like to acknowledge that it was an exceptional...." His voice mulled together as i stopped paying attention until he started announcing the scores, "From District 1, Marvel. With a score of nine..... From District 2, Cato. With a score of ten... From District 2, Clove with a score of ten.....From District 11, Thresh with a score of nine....From District 11, Rue with a score of seven." I was very surprised at the high number that Rue got, It got me wondering what she did for her self-evaluation. I was also taken aback by the scores that Clove and Cato got. Clove obviously used knives, which means its going to be a fight for that weapon in the arena. It was finally time to find out what score we got, the room suddenly got very quiet. "From District 12, Peeta Mellark with a score of eight."

We all celebrated, "I told you being strong was going to help you!" I smiled.

"And finally, Lily Everdeen. With a score of....... Eleven."

Everyone gasped, "Lily!" Effie exclaimed in joy.

"That's amazing!" Cinna praised.

"Congratulations." Peeta didn't sound as enthusiastic as I was for him.

"I thought they hated me?" I was very confused.

"They must have liked your guts," Haymitch guessed.

Cinna stood up with a drink in his hand, "To Lily Everdeen! The Girl on Fire!"


That night Peeta didn't join us for dinner.

"Haymitch you should join us, we're having some of your favorite," Effie told us as she drank some of her champagne.

"Lovely," he said as he sat down by me.

"Where's Peeta?" I asked.

"He's in his room," Haymitch answered, "So listen. Tomorrow's the last day and they let us work with our own Tributes right before The Games. So you and I will be going down at 9:00."

I was confused, "What about Peeta?"

"He said he wants to be trained on his own from now on," He said taking a bite from his food. I looked down at my food upset and hurt, "This kind of thing does happen at this point. I mean there is only one winner, right?" he said and reluctantly I nodded.

The rest of the night Haymitch was helping prepare for my interview while Cinna was preparing my outfit.

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