Chapter 43

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After that pleasant chat with Peeta, Coin called me into the Command room.

"I think the only thing left to say is thank you." She told me.

I leaned back in my chair, "I have to go to the Capitol. I need to finish this."

She shook her head, "No, you have done your job. You've been very successful as the Mockingjay. You've unified the Districts. And now we want you to rest. And to heal."

I looked between her and Plutarch in confusion, "The last any of the rebels saw of me, I was on the ground presumed dead to a gunshot wound." I reminded her. 

Plutarch looked up from his notes, "Lily, we won't let this momentum go to waste. We'll shoot more propos right here in 13, showing them that you're alive."

"That's not enough, I should be fighting with the troops!"

"It'll be like fighting on the front lines," he coerced. 

Coin put her hands on the table, "As far as the soldiers know, you survived a bullet to the heart. I think they'll understand why you're not with them." I was about to speak but she started before I got the chance, "When we win this war, we'll fly you in for the surrender." She smiled, "We'll need you for the ceremony. You're very valuable to us."

I looked at the two of them, they weren't going to let me do anything. I looked at my hands as I rubbed them together, I sighed and nodded, "Just tell me what you need me to do. Consider it done." 


Of course there had to be a wedding ceremony. Finnick and Annie were tying the knot and it was made into a big deal, Cressida was getting it on tape to use for some propo later on. Watching them was really cute, but I couldn't help but think about Peeta. We never got a ceremony or a wedding. I remembered the dress that Cinna had made for my last interview and how much I wanted that to be my wedding dress. I was slightly jealous that Finnick was getting his wedding and I didn't get mine.

When the priest said, "You may kiss the bride," I saw a glimmer of me and Peeta in them as they kissed.

I applauded along with the rest of the people in 13. I was happy at least one of us got the wedding we wanted. 

After the ceremony everyone was dancing and having a good time. I just stood there watching all the happy faces, almost wondering if it would've looked like that if it was my wedding. Had Peeta not been hijacked, could that have been us? Johanna shoulder-bumped me, taking me out of my thoughts. 

"You saw Peeta, didn't you?" She guessed by the look on my face, I didn't answer, "Did you at least tell him 'Hi' for me?" She looked a bit more serious, "We're old friends, you know. We had adjoining cells in the Capitol." She had a sickening chuckle, "We're very familiar with each other's screams."

There was a moment of silence between the two of us. 

"I will kill Snow." I stated, she turned her head to look at me, "We're not safe while he lives. All this positive energy here?" I motioned to all the happy faces, "It's all temporary until he's dead. And I can't do anymore publicity over it. No more videos, no more propos. I'm done with the Games. I want him to look into my eyes when I'm driving a knife through him."

Johanna smiles, "Now you're speaking my language." 

We exchanged glances, "We have to find a way into the Capitol, when everyone is to busy to notice us."

"I hear the medics talking," She whispered, "They're shipping supplies for the front line from hangar two around midnight tonight. Medicine, painkillers, the works. I was going to steal some for myself, but I guess I could just stay here and cover for you." She smirked at me, "Anybody can kill anyone Lily. Even a president. No one is indestructible. You would just have to be willing to sacrifice yourself." I nodded, Johanna motioned to the dance floor, "Go, Snow should see you dancing."

I walked forward with my hands in my pockets and joined Katniss and Prim in a dance circle. Then when it was time to dance with a partner, Katniss danced with Gale and I danced with Prim. She and I were giggling like old times. 

"So how long before they get together?" I asked looking at Katniss and Gale.

"Who knows," Prim giggled, in the laugh I saw my little sister again, not the grown woman the Capitol forced her to become. Slowly I stopped dancing, my face looking at hers and I brought her into a hug, she said nothing as she hugged me back. My little sister; who I went into the Games in the first place for. Could've possibly been the last time I saw her.

I had to be on that transport to the front lines. 


That night when Prim was asleep, I got out of my bed and got into my combat uniform. I walked to the elevator and hit the button to the artillery level. As I waited I put my hood up and double checked my knives. When the elevator stopped I opened the door and walked down the steps. I crept through the isles of bombs, narrowly avoiding being spotted while some of the men were taking inventory. When I got to the end of the isle I crouched down and watched two men leave the aircraft door open. When they left I quickly ran as the door was closing and hopped on. I sat down between some medical supplies and closed my eyes when the aircraft took off. No turning back now. 


A few hours later the aircraft landed and the door opened, I turned to inspect the opening and hid back behind the supplies. I took a breath and gathered myself up. I got to my feet and strolled out of the compartment onto the ground. I kept my head down to try to avoid being recognized but of course that was impossible. 

I passed two men and they did a double take when I passed them, "Hey, that's her." one whispered to the other. 

Slowly more and more people knew it was me and they just stopped and stared as I continued to walk. 

"It's Lily Everdeen." Someone called out.

Soon enough I was surrounded by people, all looking at me. They all stared and one by one, they all put their hands in the air with the Mockingjay symbol. Someone grabbed my arm from behind, Gale, with Katniss right next to him.

"I thought you were asleep with Prim," Katniss asked.

I looked at her confused, "I didn't know you were going to be fighting in the front lines," I responded. She put her head down in shame, she didn't tell me. 

"Come on," Gale led me away from the group of people. He inclined his head toward me, "Whatever game we're all in now; it's good we have our star player here now."


Paylor was giving a speech to all those who were fighting the front lines for the revolution. Gale, Katniss and I stood within the crowd of hundreds of our fellow soldiers.

"I am Commander Paylor of District 8. I am a soldier, like all of you, so here's what I know. For the first time in our lifetimes, we're standing together with 13 Districts," She nodded proudly, "From what I see here, we've already made history," Our people applauded and cheered, Paylor put up her hand to quiet everyone down, "But history doesn't stop to celebrate. And we're facing an enemy that will not change and will never surrender. President Snow has pulled back Peacekeepers to fortify the center of the city. He's evacuating residents from the outer blocks. These civilians will be confused and desperate. You are under orders not to target them," She advised, "We're deploying medical brigades to help anyone in need," She motioned over to the people in lighter suits with the red M on their arm. "We'll show The Capitol who we are. To slow our advance, President Snow is building a minefield of traps, and lethal devices called 'pods'," She showed us in the map on the screen, zooming in on one of the thousands of red dots, "The sadistic inventions of Gamemakers meant to make sport of our deaths. If our armies make it past Peacekeepers and other defenses, we'll converge in the center of the city at Snow's mansion," The map zoomed in to the mansion, "Where we won't just unlock the gates, but unshackle all of Panem." More cheers, "If we die, let it be for a cause and not a spectacle. If we succeed, let it be for all of Panem, and let it be forever. Yes. You've already made history. But the future, our future, starts tomorrow at dawn, when we march together into the Capitol."

My eyes were glued on the mansion as my people cheered. That overcompensating house will be where I kill the man who put all of us through hell and back. 

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