Chapter 31

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I went to my room and fiddled with my fingers, quietly going through my thoughts. After about a minute Katniss walked in and sat by me, Gale stood in the doorway.

"No Ceasefire" I concluded, "Snow's put everyone through too much for us to just surrender."

"He could have done a lot of damage tonight," Gale said sitting down on the other side of me.

"Killing citizens in public will do one of two things; make people too scared to do anything, or make them want to fight more," Katniss pointed out.

"In most Districts, people are still too scared to join. They need the courage."

Katniss put her hand on mine, "You can give them the courage they need. That we all need."

"Why do you think he said what he said?" I asked looking between the two of them.

"Maybe he was forced to?" Gale guessed.

"Hey, he didn't look bad. That's good! Maybe...he made some kind of deal for his and your protection," Katniss predicted.

I took a breath, "The Game isn't over. Not for him. Or me."


That night I had a nightmare. I'm thrashing around in my bed until I finally spring up awake screaming. The door bursts open and Peeta runs in wearing a robe.

I take some sporadic deep breaths, "Sorry. Nightmare."

"It's okay. I get 'em too," He reassured me, then after a brief pause turned to leave.

"Peeta," He turned, "Please stay with me."

"Yeah." He breathed and got into bed with me, he wrapped his arms around me and i put my hand on his bicep, "Always." He whispered.

A tear rolled down my face as I woke up from that dream. I missed him so much. I needed him and I couldn't get to him; who knows what was happening to him over in the Capitol. I sat up in my bed and looked at where he would have been if he was there with me. A small whisper brought me out of my thoughts.

"Hey," Prim called out, "Can't sleep?" She asked, I shook my head. She carefully got out of the bed that she was sharing with Mom and Katniss and climbed into my bed with me. She laid down so we were facing each other, "Tell me what's going on. I'm good at keeping secrets. Even from Mom and Katniss."

"No one had more hatred for the Capitol than me. I know I should help. But then I think; if we win the war, what happens to Peeta? What would they do to him? He's not safe there and I know that, but after what he did on camera there's not a chance he's even safe here. The people here want him dead like he's some kind of traitor. I can't risk his safety."

"I don't think you're aware of how important you are to them." She told me, "If you want something, you just have to ask. They won't say no to you. You can demand almost anything and they'd have to agree to it," She pointed out.

I couldn't help but give a small smile, "You should give me advice more often, Ducky." I moved a strand of hair away from her face.

"Get some sleep now," She advised me, as if I was the little sister.

I chuckled, "You too." Prim closed her eyes and for a split second I realized I knew what I had to do.


"Thank you for agreeing to meet with me this morning," I greeted President Coin and Plutarch in the conference room the following morning, "I have come to the conclusion that I will be your Mockingjay. But I do have some conditions that apply." I reached into my pocket and pulled out the slip of paper with my notes, Plutarch was making notes of the meeting, "Peeta and the other abducted Tributes; Johanna Mason and Annie Cresta, will be rescued the first opportunity we are given. If slash when Peeta has been freed, he will receive a full and unconditional pardon for all that he has said and done on the behalf of the Capitol under President Snow. He will not receive no punishment whatsoever. The same conditions apply to the other two said Tributes." I folded the paper back up.

Coin nodded slowly, "No."

I took a second, "You aren't going to put them at fault when you chose to abandon them in the arena. It's not their fault. Everything they have done and said, they are only doing to keep themselves alive and you can't punish them for that." I told her. 

"Individuals don't make demands in 13." She folded her hands on the table, "There will be a tribunal. And a fair judgement. Thank you," She pressed her lips together and returned to her forms. Plutarch looked like he was going to laugh.

I was getting agitated, "The Victors that you left to die will be granted immunity." I told her and put my hands firmly on the table in front of them, "You are going to announce that in the presence of the entire population of 13." She looked back up at me, "You will hold yourself and your government responsible. If not then your next task will be finding another Mockinjay." I spat.

Plutarch pointed at me excitedly, "There she is! That's her! Right there. Is that not who I promised you?" He looked at Coin smiling, "She wears the costume. Gunfire in the background. A hint of smoke. I present our Mockingjay," He waved his hands in front of me then looked back at her, "Madam President, we're loosing ground because the people are loosing heart. This is worth the risks. She is worth all the risks. Pardons, tribunals, power of the people. All of that can be the bedrock of the New Panem; but, in wartime I think even the noblest of causes can be bent a little bit. Right?"

Coin took a beat and smiled at me, "Do you have any other conditions?"

Stone faced I nodded, I didn't even need to look at my paper of notes, "My sister can keep her cat."

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