Chapter 24

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As we continued on our way, I came up with the idea to use pebbles in case we think we're by a force-field. So far it had proven to be a successful maneuver.  We continued out trek until the force-field appeared to be right in front of us, leaving us with no where to go but back. So, looking around I saw a very large tree. Without even thinking about it I started climbing. I kept climbing until I got to the top and could see the entirety of the arena. The center was the cornucopia surrounded by water, with the twelve streaks of rocks meeting in the middle. Then of course there was the forest area everywhere else. Looking up at the sky I noticed little specs of what must be the actual ceiling. Using my hunch, I grabbed one of my smaller knives and threw it at the sky. As I suspected, it hit the ceiling and made a slight ripple at the top when it collided. I saw it fall and land in the water.

I got back on the ground where the others were waiting for me, "We're at the edge of the arena. The force-field is a dome around the whole thing. There are no signs of fresh water."

Peeta looked at me slightly worried and Mags looked very upset, "It's gonna get dark soon." Finnick observed looking at the setting sun. We'll be safe with our backs protected. We should set up camp. Take turns sleeping. I can take first watch."

I scoffed, I wasn't about to put my life in his hands since I barely knew him, "No way."

Finnick looked at me annoyed, "Sweetheart, that thing I did for Peeta back there? Was called saving his life. If I wanted you both dead you would be by now. But I don't want having killed a pregnant woman on my list of sins while in here."

Speechless, I turned to Peeta and put my hand lightly on his cheek, "Get some rest. I'll take first watch," I told him.

He looked at me worried, not knowing if he should object but decided otherwise, "Just for a little bit," he agreed, kissing my cheek before going by a tree to get some sleep.

I leaned up against a tree and took out a butcher knife and sighed. It was gonna be a long night. 

After a few hours of silence, Finnick spoke up, "How's Peeta?"

"I think he's okay considering he almost died today," I looked over at my fiancé's sleeping body, taking deep even breaths every so often, his lips were slightly chapped as all of ours were, "We're all just dehydrated. We need to find water. Fast."

Suddenly the music of the Capitol played overhead and the video of The Fallen played. They started with the male Victor for District 5, then the male Victor from District 6. I saw Peeta and Mags move as they woke up and watched. I counted in my head the number of dead Victors from the first day. 


No one spoke, what broke the silence wasn't a threa, it was a piece from the sponsors. It fell in on a parachute, and once it landed I hurried over to it. I opened the container and read the note: Drink up -H. I had no idea what it was. 

"What is it?" Peeta asked coming over.

"Haymitch sent it," I told him picking up the small item. Looking it over I figured out what it was, "A spile!" I stood up and walked over to a thick tree.

"What?" Finnick looked at me confused.

"Peeta hand me a rock." I asked and once I got it I hit the spile up against the tree so it got stuck. I waiting for the water to come out of the tube but nothing did. I heard Peeta and Finnick approach but still nothing happened, I was about to turn away when it finally started spilling out, like it was a water fountain. I smiled and started drinking. When I was somewhat satisfied I stepped aside for Peeta and Finnick to drink. Finnick went and got a leaf so he could get water for Mags, and as he did that I drank a little more and cleaned my face with the water. Finnick got Mags her water, I saw Peeta looking at the water, he was still thirsty. I gingerly took his hand and let him have more. 

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