Chapter 13

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The hovercraft had doctors and a bunch of people waiting for us in it. They separated me and Peeta after a lot of struggling; I didn't want to be away from him. They got me into a room where they put me under. By the time I had woken up we were back in the Capitol. I looked at myself in the mirror; it looked like I hadn't just been in an arena for weeks fighting to the death. All my cuts, bruises, and scars were gone; even the dark circles under my eyes had disappeared.

I saw Haymitch and he led me to the roof so we could talk, "They're not happy with you," he told me as we looked over the city.

"Cause I broke the rules," I shrugged.

"You showed them up."

"Well I'm sorry it didn't go the way they planned but-" he interrupted my sarcastic remark.

"Lily, this is serious! Not just for you! They don't take these kinds of things lightly. I could see it in your eyes that you love that boy. So when you have your last interview you say you couldn't help yourself," then we went off to get me prepared for the interviews.

I saw Cinna and couldn't help but hug him. He hugged me back and brought me into a room where he dressed me in a beautiful yellow dress, and tied my hair back into a half up, half down look; then he sent me backstage where Haymitch was waiting for me again, "What are you going to tell them?" he checked.

"I love him. The very idea of not being with him would kill me," tears welled in my eyes at the truth I was speaking.

"Alright. Now don't cry yet. Save it for the show," then he sent me out.

When I got on stage, only Caesar was there waiting for me, "Our female Victor! Lily Everdeen!" the crowd went wild, "And our male Victor, Peeta Mellark!" I looked back and saw him walk in. I ran right to his arms and kissed him, it was the first time I'd seen him since the Capitol separated us. I heard "aw's" coming from the audience. Peeta and I sat in a love seat next to each other holding hands and Caesar sat across from us, "So Lily, how did you feel when you found him by that river?"

"At first I was shocked, he was pretty beaten up. I thought he was going to die. So I did everything I could to help him. And once I knew everything was going to be okay, I was probably the happiest person in the world. I couldn't imagine my life without him," I looked at him and smiled, he squeezed my hand lightly and I could see he was smiling as well.

"What about you Peeta?" Caesar asked.

"She saved my life. I love her," more aw's.

"We saved each other. I love you more."

"Ladies and gentlemen, the star-crossed lovers from District 12, this years victors of the 74th Annual Hunger Games!" the crowd started cheering for us, then the lights dimmed and we were being escorted to where President Snow would crown us.

I stood first and looked at him stone cold in the eye as he placed a crown upon my head.

"Congratulations," he told me, then he moved some of my hair aside so her could see my mockingjay pin, "What a lovely pin," He stated with fake fascination.

"Thank you it's from my District," I answered, then proceeded to watch as he crowed Peeta.


After the ceremony we were put on a train heading back into 12. Peeta and I looked out the window and watched everything pass by.

"What do we do now?" Peeta looked at me in wonder.

"I guess we try to forget what happened in there?" I guessed.

He took my hand, "What id I don't want to forget?"

I looked over and a small smile came on my face, "We don't have to forget everything," I kissed his cheek.

When we got to 12 pretty much everyone was at the station ready to greet us. Peeta and I smiled at the familiar faces and waved. I looked through the crowd and a tear escaped my eye when I saw Prim up on Gale's shoulders. She was blowing kisses at me and waving. Next to Gale, Katniss was crying happy tears along with Mom. Peeta took my hand in his and raised it in the air in triumph. 

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