Chapter 32

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We made our way to the center of the tunnels where Coin was waiting to make her speech. Katniss stayed on my right and Prim on my left. We all waited for Coin to get to the microphone.

"Good afternoon," Her voice echoed, "Thank you all for interrupting your schedules," I looked around there must have been thousands of people there all squeezing into different areas to hear what she was going to say, "They have already been adjusted to compensate for the delay. Thank you to all the people of 13 who have worked so hard for so long. And welcome to our guests from 12. Lily Everdeen has consented to be the face of our cause. To help unite the Districts against the Capitol. In exchange, I have promised her several concessions," Looking around I saw Finnick with the rest of the people who still resided in the hospital wing, I slowly started making my way over to him, "First, we'll assess all opportunities for the extraction of the Victors held hostage in the Capitol. Peeta Mellark," At the start of his name there was a small roar of distaste from a number of people, "Johanna Mason..."

I finally made it to Finnick, "I made her agree to take Annie too," I whispered.

Sure enough the last name she said was "...and Annie Cresta." Finnick looked a bit relieved. "Once freed, they will be granted a full pardon for any and all crimes committed against the rebel cause." The roar got louder

Finnick turned to me, "Good, this is good Lily." He smiled, he looked like he was going to cry. I put my hand on his shoulder and rubbed it to show support.

"If Lily Everdeen fails to fulfill her duties, the deal will be off." No pressure. "Thank you for your attention. Please, resume your daily schedules."


After the little meeting it was time for lunch and I was glad cause I was starving. I got my food and went to find a table. I was very surprised when I saw someone sitting by my regular seat.

"Effie?" I gasped and shoved my tray on the table so I could hug her, "What are you doing here?"

She looked so solemn when she spoke yet her sentence was comical coming from her, "I'm a political refugee."

"Plutarch saved you," I concluded.

"Well, that's the word he would use. Maybe not the one I would," She put her hand on my arm comfortingly, "You and I were both in the dark sweetie. And now I've been condemned to this life of jumpsuits," She let go of me and shook hands with Katniss and Gale, "Lovely to see you both again," she greeted warmly then turned back to me and picked up her glass of water, "Can you believe this place? I miss coffee." She put the cup back down, "I never knew any place could be so strict. I mean, I thought at least in the higher ranks there'd be some...side action." I had no clue what she meant by that but I guessed she wanted some kind of special treatment, "I miss my wigs. Luckily I remembered that this was all the rage when I was coming up," She patted her head-rag. "You know everything old can be made new again. Like democracy," She looked so out of place and not sure what to do with herself. It was the first time I'd ever seen her like that. "Which brings me to this," She moved her tray aside and placed a large book on the table. I unclasped it and opened to the first page. The first thing I saw was a mockingjay, it was big and silver and on the first page was designs for what looked like my clothes. 

"Cinna." I said sadly, I slowly looked Effie in the eye, "He's...dead... isn't he?"

Effie frowned and nodded. "Yes." I started flipping through the pages, each was a gorgeous design, "He made Plutarch promise not to show you this until you had decided to be the Mockingjay on your own. He knew the risks. As we all do. He believed in this revolution." On the third page I was surprised to see Cinna had actually written a note...for me. It was like he knew he wouldn't have been able to say it one last time. I'm still rooting for you! -Cinna. "He believed in you."

"They're amazing. Beautiful. Cinna always knew how to create the best." I smiled.

Effie placed her hand on mine, "They have it." I looked at her, "They have the Mockingjay outfit. There's not much of a prep team here in 13 but we will make you the best dressed rebel in history."


I have my knives in hand, on the stage in the booth when the lights dim on. I turn to where the tech team are and Effie approaches me smiling. She held out something in her hand.

"Cinna's final touch," she told me as she clipped the black Mockingjay pin to my suit. Effie took a breath, "Everyone's either gonna wanna kiss you, kill you, or be you."

"Perfect. Absolutely perfect," Plutarch said over the intercom. "Okay, let's bring up the setting." I looked around but the room looked exactly the same. "A little wind," Effie flipped a switch on the fan in front of me. The breeze was abnormal. "Okay, Lily, we're gonna start you down on one knee." I nodded, "As you rise up you're gonna hold your flag in the air and deliver your line;" I looked at the silver rod that they were going to make my flag, "And remember, you've just stormed the outskirts of the Capitol; arm-in-arm with your brothers and sisters."

"Got it." I said kneeling.

"Whenever your ready," he told me, I looked at the ground and closed my eyes for a second, trying to get in the moment. Take one, I messed up the line. "Does she know the line?" he asked as if I wasn't there.

"I know it. I'm sorry. I got it," I assured.

"Let's do it again-" "She's warming up," Effie and Plutarch overlapped as I prepped for take two. "With energy. Go." Take two, my voice wasn't as energetic as it should have been, "You've just been in battle!" he screamed, "I'm sorry. Excuse my outburst. You've just been in battle," he spoke calmer, "Let's try it again." Let's just say take three was just as bad as the other two...Effie's face said it all.

There was a moment of awkward silence before someone's applause broke it. Haymitch walked in with a beanie, "and that my friends. Is how a revolution dies." He walked up the stage to me, "Hello Lily," my face was stone cold, "Is this how you greet and old friend?" he blew his nose on a tissue.

"I just don't know who you are sober." my voice was monotone.

"I guess it looks as bad as it feels." 

He nodded his head and we did a few more takes before retreating to the conference room to see how they could possibly help my terrible acting. 

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