Chapter 17

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From then on we would stick to our cards. Everywhere, "Lily and I want to share our victory with you. And our gratitude to the Capitol for bringing us together," was Peeta's opening to our speeches, "It was the bond of love, forged in the crucible of The Games that was our greatest pride. For it is love and true love that allows us to bear our hardships, that mends the heart and banishes loneliness and gives meaning to our lives."

Then I would continue by saying, "We also want to share with you the sorrows of your losses..." at one of the districts at this point, two people put up their three fingers and the Peacekeepers spared no time in collecting them from the crowd, I turned to Haymitch who nodded his head at me, telling me to keep going; reluctantly I did, "The Tributes of this district were brave and noble warriors. They brought honor to their families and pride to their people. We are all of us united, both victors and vanquished, in serving a common purpose."

Our tour continued, with each district we got different reactions, sometimes the people looked to us lovingly; others looked like they wanted someone to shoot us dead the second we walked on stage. When we entered District 4, everyone was applauding us. On stage were two little girls waiting to give us flowers.

"Thank you," I said kindly to her.

She looked up at me with her light eyes full of hope and told me, "One day, I'm gonna volunteer. Just like you did!"

Night after night I would wake up screaming. Peeta bolted up from his sleep and looked at me full of love and worry, "It  was just a dream. I'm sorry," I breathed as i caught my breath.

"It's okay," he kissed my temple, "I get them too," 

"I love you," I whispered as he huddled closer to me.

"I love you too. Always will."

"We are all of us united, both victors and vanquished, in serving a common purpose. The power and glory of the Capitol. Panem today. Panem tomorrow. Panem forever," were my finishing words in my speech. One of the worst districts were were at wouldn't stop screaming at us. It was absolute pandemonium. The Peacekeepers got us out of there as fast as they could.


"Snow is watching us. If he wanted you to pacify the Districts, I promise you, he's not happy. Instead of being as lovey as you two normally are, you two sound like you're reciting from a drilling manual." Haymitch told us.

"Well it's not as easy as you may think it is. How are we going to prove that we love each other when all we're reading is about The Capitol and how lovely they are?" I asked.

"You try reading that stuff Effie writes us," Peeta agreed.

"Tell that to President Snow when you see him two days from now."

"I'm open to suggestions," Peeta retorted.

An idea popped into my head, "We could get married."

"That's not helping," Haymitch took another drink.

"I'm serious. If you're right and we're on this train forever, then it was gonna happen eventually," I pointed out.

"It does make a statement. I'll give you that," He chuckled.

"Let's do it," Peeta agreed, he sounded disappointed and walked out. I followed after him.

"What's wrong?"

"I don't like this," He confessed, "I know we would have done it eventually but I just wish that we could have done it in the way I was planning and not just because we're scared for our lives."

My eyes met his, "You were planning it already?"

He smiled, "Yeah. But I guess we can't go with that plan." 

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