Chapter 33

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"People of Panem we fight! We dare! We end this hunger for Justice!" The video played through and I cringed so hard at myself. It's a wonder how I survived in the games with my terrible acting skills. It was dead quiet in the room, I slumped back in my chair; embarrassed out of my mind. Katniss and Gale gave me sympathetic looks from across the table

Haymitch cleared his throat and stood up, "Madam President, indulge me for a moment, if you would. Let's everybody think of one incident where Lily Everdeen genuinely moved you. Not where you were jealous of her hairstyle or her dress went up in flames or she made a halfway decent throw with a knife. And not where Peeta made you like her." my eye teared up at the mention of his name, "No, I'd like you all to think of one moment where she made you think of something real." He nodded.

Effie's hand shot in the air, "Oh!" Her voice was soft, "When she volunteered for her sister at the Reaping."

Haymitch nodded, "Excellent example!" Haymitch went up to the screen and started erasing some diagrams, "I hope that wasn't important," He glanced back before proceeding to write on the board, "Volunteered 4 Sis, okay good. What else?"

Effie pipped up again, "When she sang that song for little Rue." She put her hands to her heart.

"Oh yeah. Who didn't get chocked up at that?" Haymitch agreed, My head dropped and I started at the table, "You know, I like you better Effie without all that makeup." he told her as he wrote on the board.

"Well, I like you better sober," she said in a tone that would've normally made me laugh cause it sounded like flirting, however in the current situation I wasn't in the laughing mood. 

"When she chose Rue as an ally as well." Beetee continued.

"Now, what do all these have in common?" Haymitch asked.

Katniss and Gale looked up at him, "no one told her what to do," Gale answered.

"She did it on her own," Katniss agreed.

"Unscripted, yes." Beetee realized, "So maybe we should just leave her alone."

"And wash her face," Boggs commented. "She's still a girl and you've made her look 35."

"The opportunities for spontaneity are obviously lacking below ground. So what you're suggesting is we toss her into combat?" Plutarch guessed.

Coin shook her head, "I can't sanction putting an untrained civilian in battle just for effect. This is not the  Capitol." Her hands were folded.

Haymitch pointed, "That is exactly what I'm suggesting. Put her in the field."

"No, we can't protect her."

"It has to come from her. That's what people respond to. You want a symbol for the revolution?" Haymitch extended his arms to me, "She cannot be coached into it. And trust me cause I know it."

"Maybe there's someplace that's less dangerous?" Plutarch suggested.

Beetee had the answer, "District 8. They reported heavy bombing last week. There are no military targets left."

"We can't guarantee her safety." Coin persisted.

"When are you ever going to be able to guarantee my safety? Never." I spoke up, "I have to go to 8."

"And if you're killed?" 

"Then you better hope you got it on camera." I shrugged, Plutarch chuckled.


After the meeting Beetee brought me into the training room armory. Gale and Katniss close behind.

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