Chapter 18

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The party was rough but that night Peeta actually slept well. I however didn't sleep at all. I carefully got out of bed, so as not to wake him. I walked through the hall on my way to get a snack. I came across the surveillance room again, they had the door open a crack; there I saw on one of the monitors a large fire, people screaming and someone holding up a large Mockingjay symbol. Looking in the corner of the screen I saw it was in District 8. Snow was right, this was only the beginning. Forgetting my craving for food, I crept back to my room and went back to bed, cuddling close to Peeta.

That morning we got back to 12 pretty early. I went home to talk to Katniss only to find she's gone to talk to Gale. Knowing they would be in the woods I quickly found them. But when I heard what they were saying I stopped in my tracks.

"Where are we going to run away?" Gale asked disbelieving.

"Into the woods. Like we've always talked about. Something's gonna happen so we need to get out of here as soon as we can. If we leave right now we can be far away from here by tonight."

"Who's we?" Gale confirmed.

"You, me, your family, and mine," Katniss answered.

"Lily isn't back yet, and she'll want to bring Peeta."

"She's happy with Peeta, haven't you seen them? When she has her little nightmares, Peeta calms her down and I'm the one who has to calm Prim. She'll be fine."

Ouch. That really hurt. Katniss knows how much I'd been suffering. I stepped out into the clearing. "Well it's good to know what you really think. Glad to be back."

Katniss flinched looking at me shocked, "Lily...I-"

"Save it Katniss! I know what you think you're doing is right. But I'm doing what I am to keep you all safe. Snow threatened to have you all killed just because he didn't believe that Peeta and I love each other. other districts are rebelling and he's blaming me," Tears formed in my eyes, Katniss took a step towards me and I took a step back, "No, you don't get to plan on leaving me behind and suddenly want to comfort me. You don't know what's been going on in my mind. You weren't in the Games. You don't know what I went through. You only know what they showed you. You don't get t o just abandon me and take my family away form me!" I screamed, tears rolling down my face.

Katniss walked up to me again, she was crying too. I don't know why, but this time when she hugged me I let her. We cried together. Gale watched upset.

"I'm sorry. I won't leave you. I promise," Katniss's voice was shaky as she cleaned my tears with her fingers.

"I'm sorry I yelled."

"Don't be. You had every reason to," She told me.

"Come on. Let's go home," Gale suggested, the two of us nodded and we walked back toward the electric fence.

"So what's going on in the districts?" Katniss asked.

"There were people fighting in the streets, and fires, and Peacekeepers were gunning them down, but the people..." I paused.

"The people were what?" Gale questioned anxious.

"The people were fighting back. Hard."

Gale took a breath, "It's happening."

Katniss had a small smile form on her face, "Finally."

I shook my head, "I should've just eaten the damn berries in that fucking arena and died like I was supposed to. Then everything would be back to normal and everyone would be safe."

"Safe for what Lily?" Gale asked angrily, "To starve? Work like slaves? Send their kids to the Reaping?"

Katniss put her hand on my shoulder comfortingly, "You haven't hurt people, Lily. You've given them an opportunity. They just have to be brave enough to take it."

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