Chapter 4

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I was sitting in my bedroom watching the previous Hunger Games, hating every minute of it. I was almost done with another one when I decided I just couldn't take it anymore and shut off the TV. It was time for breakfast so I got out of bed and walked over to the sitting room. At the doorway I could see Effie fixing her makeup and Peeta sitting across from Haymitch at the table. I was slightly surprised, I didn't think he would actually get through to him. Walking in I started listening to what they were talking about.

"That's a good way to get killed." Haymitch told him.

"What is?" I asked approaching the table.

"Oh joy. Why don't you join us?" he said sarcastically. I sat down between the two boys, "I was just giving some life saving advice." 

"About what?" I wondered politely.

"I was just asking about how to find shelter." Peeta responded.

"Which would come in handy if you were in fact, still alive." Haymitch said adding a spread to his toast.

"How do you find shelter?" I asked.

"Pass the jam." Haymitch responded.

"How do you find shelter?" I wondered louder.

"Give me a chance to wake up sweetheart!" he snapped, "This mentoring stuff is very taxing business," he told me as he poured a shit load of alcohol into his morning beverage. "Can you pass the marmalade?" He asked moving his hand toward it.

I was so pissed I grabbed one of the knives in my hand and stabbed the table in between the gap of his thumb and pointer finger. Effie gasped behind us, "THAT IS MAHOGANY!" She yelled as if she was scolding a toddler.

"Look at you. You just killed a place-mat." Haymitch said, taking the knife into his hand. "You really wanna know how to stay alive?" He moved some hair out of his eyes. "You get people to like you." Oh. I wasn't expecting that. "Not what you were expecting?" He scooped up some marmalade. "Yeah, when you're in the Games. And you're starving, or freezing; some water, a knife, or even some matches can mean the difference between life and death. And those things only come from sponsors. And to get sponsors you have to get people to like you. And right now sweetheart; you're not off to a very good start." He took a bite of his toast.

"There it is." Peeta stood up and walked over to the window. In the distance we could now see the start of the Capitol. "It's huge. That's incredible." He awed. Suddenly we drove into a tunnel, once it ended there was a crowd of people there cheering for us and welcoming us. Peeta started waving to them. He motioned for me to come next to him and wave. 

Haymitch held out the knife. "You're gonna need this. He knows what he's doing." he put it in my hand but I rolled my eyes and placed it on the table. I walked over to Peeta's side and put on a fake smile to wave to all the people who could potentially be my saving grace in the arena.


When we got inside the Capitol building my stylist team pretty much dragged me off into a room and ripped my clothes off to get started on me. They washed me, combed my hair, waxed....everywhere. They did so many things to me I don't know how some of these people do this on a normal basis. Two of them were talking and I wanted to know what they were saying, I couldn't hear them.

"We were just saying we might have to hose you down again before we take you to Cinna." One of the guys said. I nodded and put my head back again defeated. Within a few minutes I was in a different room sitting on a doctor's chair waiting for my stylist.

"That was one of the bravest things I'd ever seen." A dark-skinned man said stepping into my room, "With your sister. My name is Cinna." He took my hand in his and shook it. He looked pretty normal compared to the other people here. The only thing out of place would be his gold eyeliner and a few earrings but they looked nice.

"Lily." I responded.

Cinna pulled up a chair, "I'm sorry that this happened to you. But I'm here to help you in any way that I can."

I looked at him surprised and thankful, "Most people just congratulate me."

"I don't see a point in that." he shook his head, "So tonight, they have the Tribute Parade. I'm gonna take you out and show you off to the world." His words kind of bummed me out.

I looked down, "You're here to make me look pretty."

"I'm here to help you make an impression," he corrected, "now usually they dress people up in clothes from their district."

"Yeah, mine's coal miners." I nodded.

"Yes, but I don't want to do that," he sat back in his chair, "I wanna do something that they're gonna remember. Did they explain about trying to get sponsors?" 

"Yes, but I'm not the best at making new friends," I looked at my feet.

"We'll see. I just thing that somebody that brave shouldn't be dressed up in some stupid costume, should they?" He asked playing with my wavy hair.

I smiled at him, "I hope not." She smiled at me.


After a few more hours I was finally ready. It was a very beautiful black dress, it wasn't constricting or tight against my body and not hideous like the costumes the other Tributes wore. 

"You look stunning. Now lets go to the entryway and get you and Peeta set up." Cinna told me and we walked out. We got to the chariots, Peeta was waiting for us in an outfit very similar to mine. Cinna approached us with a stick with a blue flame on the end, "Okay, this is safe I promise. It's not real fire. These suits are built so you wont feel a thing." 

"Looks pretty real to me." Peeta commented.

"Well that's the idea." Cinna responded. He took a step toward me with the flame, "Don't be afraid." 

"I'm not afraid." I told him. I believe Cinna.

Within a minute Peeta and I were on fire and being paraded around on a chariot. The people were going crazy seeing us on fire. I'll bet we looked really cool. While we were moving I felt Peeta's hand go around mine. I didn't move my hand, but I looked at him confused.

"They'll love it," He whispered. I frowned on the inside. He only wanted to give them a show. Yet, I went along with it knowing this might help with sponsors. 

So I firmly grabbed his hand and we lifted them into the air. The cheers got louder. People were throwing flowers and such at us. I guess they liked it. Our chariot made its way to the center where President Snow would be making his speech. Once our chariot stopped, our flames slowly died down to nothing.

Then the President started speaking the spectators got silent, "Welcome! Welcome! Tributes, we welcome you. We salute your courage and your sacrifice. And we wish you Happy Hunger Games. And may the odds be ever in your favor." The watchers cheered once more.

Our chariot carted us off away from all the viewers back inside where Cinna, Portia, Effie, and Haymitch were waiting for us.

"That was amazing!" Cinna complimented.

"We are all anybody's going to be talking about," Effie agreed.

"So brave," Haymitch actually smiled.

"Are you sure you should be this close to an open flame?" I asked sarcastically.

"Fake flame," he laughed, "Are you sure you..." he trailed off looking at something behind me. I turned around and saw the District 2 male Tribute sending us really angry glares. I looked away, "Let's get upstairs." Haymitch said starting toward the elevator.

"So each of the districts get their own floor and since you're from 12, you get the penthouse." Effie explained. While that may sound nice, what if something happened to the building? It would be harder for us to escape in case of an emergency. Be that as it may, when we entered the living room, it was beautiful. "I know. I know," Effie answered looking at the awed looks on our faces. "Now your rooms are just over there. Why don't you go clean yourselves up a little before dinner," she suggested. I nodded and walked down the hall to my room.

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