Chapter 41

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The outer perimeter of District 2 came into view as we slowly landed. I was in my black combat outfit with knives strapped on almost every square inch of me. The door opened and I slowly started walking down it.

"Welcome to District 2. I'm Corporal Homes," The rep met us at the ground. "Follow me please," he started walking toward the building. As we approached there was an explosion from somewhere and as an instinct we all crouched to the ground and tried to find where it came from, "Don't worry," Homes told us and kept making his way toward the building. "It's just how the loyalists say good morning."

When we got inside there was a whole room full of loyalists. 2's loyalist branch leader called Coin when we got settled into their camp. 

"President Coin we are indebted to you for the reinforcements and the Mockingjay," She inclined her head towards me specifically, "But I'm not sure that anyone outside of 2 knows what we've been up against," She zoomed her hologram map into one location, "This is the Nut. The Capitol's headquarters for all offensive operations. It's manned by both military and civilian personnel from District 2. As you can see," She showed us the interior, "The fortress lies so far beneath the bedrock, it;s untouchable. Yesterday we attempted to take the northeastern gate. The enemy countered from higher up and we were forced to pull back. We took heavy losses," She looked down solemnly. 

"Could we create a decoy? Send troops towards one gate; launch a staggered attack on another," Homes recommended.

One of the women looked at him skeptically, "Whose troops do you propose as a decoy, commander?" 

"We have the Mockingjay. Don't underestimate her," Coin reminded them, "We could use her to erode support. She may be able to sway some of the loyalists."

I looked between the women, my face cold.

"You've been underground a long time, Madam Coin. This isn't like the rest of Panem. Support for the Capitol runs deep here." 

"Then there is no sacrifice too great," Coin told her, "We need to control the arsenal inside the fortress. Even with every District in this alliance, we are outgunned."

"I won't commit my people to a ground assault just to pillage weapons," one of the other women fought.  

"Commander Paylor, your people have suffered more than just about anyone else at the hands of The Capitol-" Coin announced.

"Which is why I won't condone a mass suicide," She snapped back.

Coin sighed, "If we don't take 2, we won't get into the Capitol." Coin told her.

"Would it be enough to disable the fortress...instead of taking it?" Gale asked. Heads shot in his direction.

"What do you have in mind?"

Gale paused, "Think of it like a wolf den. You're not gonna fight your way in, so you've got two choices: Trap the wolves inside or you flush 'em out."

Katniss nodded, "If we can't attack straight on, then couldn't we use our hovercraft to strike around it? We'll use the mountains. Hit the weak spots in the peaks," I was very surprised at how smart Katniss was, she normally didn't come up with the plans. I guess hanging out with Gale while I was gone really helped her. 

"We could design the bomb targets in sequence using seismic data." Beetee recommended.

"Trigger avalanches," Someone realized.

"Block all exits, cut off their supplies. You make it impossible for them to launch their hovercraft." Gale told them.

Paylor nodded, "Bury them alive."

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