Chapter 11

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I found a safe place and just started crying my eyes out. I looked at my hands and saw some dry blood. I sobbed as I vigorously tried to clean it up. It wouldn't come off and I only cried harder. I thought about Rue, about Prim, about Katniss. None of them would want me crying like that, they would want me to be strong and get through it. So I took some deep breaths and calmed myself down. 

"Attention, Tributes. Attention. The regulations requiring a single victor have been...suspended," A voice from overhead informed. I looked at the sky a bit confused, "From now on, two victors may be crowned, if both originate from the same district. This will be the only announcement," Then the voice said nothing else.  

My mind thought of him and my heart raced, "Peeta."


Last Rue told me, he was by the lake. That's where I started looking. When I got to the river I saw blood on a rock. I ran straight to it. It was still damp, it was fresh. He was close. I continued to walk, hoping I would find him alive. 

As I continued on there were ore traces of fresh blood. This meant two things; He was hurt, but he was still alive. For now. 

I stopped to look around when suddenly something grabbed my foot. It was a hand. I looked over and saw some tired eyes looking up at me. 

"Peeta!" I was very relieved. He had camouflaged himself with the rocks. I crouched down by him and started taking off the moss and other foliage that he put onto himself.

"Hi," He sounded very tired.

"Hey," I uncovered his body so he could sit up. When he was up I didn't hesitate hugging him, thankfully he hugged back. At that moment I forgave him for everything; I knew he was just trying to help me.

I got the makeup off his face and I looked at him cringing because of his leg. There was a large gash there and it looked infected.

"What happened?" I asked worried.

"A sword," He looked at me, "It's bad huh?"

"It will be fine. I promise."

I took a bit of water in some cloth from my sleeve and sprinkled it on his leg. He flinched but it was obvious it hurt a lot more than he was letting on. I tried to rip the hole on his pants but I couldn't do it without hurting him more. 

"Lily," I shushed him, "Lily." He tried again.

"No! I'm not going to leave you. I won't do that," I answered.

"Why?" He asked. I'm sure he knew why.

"Let's try to find some shelter," I avoided the question. I helped him up and put his arm around my shoulder. I walked slowly so he could hop by my side, I didn't want him to overwork himself.


Thankfully we weren't walking for long before we found the cave. I had him wait for a  second so I could make sure it was safe. Once i secured the cave I helped him lay down inside.

"No one is going to find you in here," I told him softly.

"They already found me," He spoke figuratively. It broke my heart to see him so hurt. He couldn't stop wincing, his leg hurt him a lot.

"We'll just get you some medicine," I told him.

"Lily, I'm sure you haven't noticed; but I don't get many parachutes," He told me.

"We'll figure something out," I looked into his beautiful blue eyes. 

"Like what?" He asked.

"Something," I repeated, then I kissed his cheek. I've liked him for so lone that if I had done that back in 12 I would have skipped away all happy but given our current circumstances that wasn't really an option.

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