Chapter 3

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I was placed in a temp room in the Justice Building so I could say bye to Katniss, Prim and Mom. I stood there impatiently but soon enough Mom and Prim burst into the room. Prim ran straight into my arms. She was crying, I rubbed her arms to try and get her to calm down. 

I pulled her away from me so I could look at her, "Listen Prim, I don't have a lot of time. You're going to be okay. Don't take any extra food from them, it isn't worth putting your name in more times." she started to sob louder, "Prim, You still have Katniss; her and Gale will bring you game. And you can sell cheese from your goat."

Tears were streaming down her eyes, "Just try to win. Maybe you can."

I nodded, "Maybe I can. I am smart, you know." I hugged her.

"And you can hunt." she pointed out.


Prim looked down at her hands. I followed her eyes and saw she was trying to hand me her mockingjay pin. "To protect you" she put it in my hand.

I hugged her tight and let a single tear escape, "Thank you." When she let go, I stood up and looked at my mother. "You can't tune out again."

She shook her head, "I wont."

"No, you can't." I snapped. "Not like when Dad died. I won't be here. Katniss can't carry this family on her own/ No matter what you feel you have to be there for both of the, and help them keep this family afloat. Do you understand?" she nodded and tears were welling up in her eyes. "Don't cry." I hugged her. "Don't cry. Don't." 

Prim joined our hug right when the Peacekeepers came in to get them out. Prim started freaking out, "NO! NO!!" she started clinging onto me but the Peacekeeper was stronger.

"It's okay! I promise Prim!" The door slammed before i could even finish my sentence. I was so upset I just stood and looked at the door for a few seconds before it opened again with my last two visitors. I hugged Gale and Katniss like my life depended on it.

Katniss was crying, "Why did you do it? You should've let me volunteer!" 

"You need to help the family. You would do a better job at it than me and I don't want to loose you."

"Well I can't loose you!" she screamed.

I didn't know how to respond to that so I'm grateful that Gale spoke up, "Listen. You're stronger then they are. Get to some knives."

"But what if they don't put-" Katniss stopped me.

"They will if you show them how good you are. And if they don't have knives then you make some."

"You know how to hunt." Gale continued.

"Animals." I reminded.

They both looked at me sadly, "What's the difference?"

I started shaking, "There's twenty four of us. Only one comes out."

"It will be you." Katniss sounded like she was reassuring herself more than me.

"I know it will be." Gale brought us all into a hug.

"Okay." The Peacekeeper came back in.

"Take care of each other! Don't do anything crazy! I love you guys!" The door closed before I finished speaking. 


After they left, another Peacekeeper came in and escorted me to a car with Effie and Peeta already inside. The car would take us to the train station where the train would take us to the Capitol. 

"You two are in for a treat. Crystal chandeliers, platinum doorknobs, and it flies; we'll be in the Capitol in less than two days." Effie was telling us, I wasn't paying attention though. 

I saw Peeta silently crying. I really wanted to comfort him but I knew in the arena anything is possible so I didn't want to show him that I care. When we got to the train station, a Peacekeeper grabbed my arm and led me to the train entrance. Inside, my breath was taken away by the beauty. The sitting room had beautiful furniture. The tables were filled with wonderful looking food, pastries, and drinks. Peeta and I sat next to each other in some comfy sofas and blindly listened to Effie blabber even more.

"200 miles per hour and you can barely feel a thing. I think that's one of the wonderful things about this experience. That even though you're here and it's only for a little while. You get to enjoy all of this," she gestured all around her. Neither or us responded so she spoke again, "I'm going to find Haymitch. He's probably in the bar car." she muttered annoyed and walked out of the room.

There was another moment of silence before Peeta spoke for the first time since the Reaping. "Have you ever met him? Haymitch?" I didn't respond cause I wasn't sure what to say. And I didn't want to make it seem like I care about him because i know I shouldn't get too attached only to be thrown into an arena and kill people. Peeta continued speaking when I didn't answer. "Lily, he's our mentor. He did win this thing once." I knew that. It would be great to get pointers from a victor so I could have a better chance of getting home to my family. Yet, I still didn't answer him, "Look if you don't want to talk that's alright, I get it. I just don't think there's anything wrong with getting a little bit of help." I agreed with him 100%. But I think my percentage went down a bit when Haymitch finally entered the sitting room. 

He was a mess. His hair was messy, his clothes were wrinkled and unfastened, he was walking like a drunk and he was holding an empty glass of scotch.

"Congratulations." he slurred to us and walked over to the liquor table to fill his cup with scotch. He went to the ice bucket and lifted the lid, only to find it empty, "Where's the ice?" he asked as if we would know.

Peeta started stuttering, "I...I don't...I don't know." Haymitch slammed the lid back on the bucket then plopped on the sofa in front of us. Peeta shifted and leaned in to talk to him. "Okay. So when to we start?" 

Haymitch rubbed his eyes, "So eager? Most of you aren't in such a hurry."

"Yeah, I want to know what the plan is, your our mentor." Peeta responded.


I rolled my eyes, "Yes. Mentor. You're supposed to tell us how to get sponsors and give us life-saving advice."

"Oh okay....Um.... Embrace the probability of your imminate death. And know in your heart that there is nothing I can do to save you." 

I was pissed, "Why are you here then?" 

He smiled like the drunk he is and waved his drink in our faces, "The refreshments."

Peeta reached forward to grab the cup, "I think that's enough of that." But Haymitch held him back.....Using his foot.

Haymitch made a sound of annoyance, "You made me spill my drink. These are brand new pants."  He stood up annoyed, "You know, I think I'll go finish this in my room." He grabbed the whole canteen of scotch and walked out.

"He's gonna come around." Peeta persistently stood up.

"Peeta, it's no use," I insisted.

He looked at me, "I'm going to go talk to him."

I groaned and put my head in my hands. This is not going to be easy at all.

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