Chapter 8

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I couldn't sleep, I climbed out of bed and walked to the living room. Sitting on the windowsill I saw Peeta looking out into the city. 

"Peeta," I greeted.

"Oh, hey." 

"Can't sleep?" I sat in front of him.

"No, of course not," he chuckled turning to look at me.

"I'm so sorry about what I did after the interviews."

"You know I meant it as a compliment," he joked.

"Yeah, I guess I know. You just took me by surprise that's all," WE sat there listening to the animistic cheering of the people outside, "Listen to them," I was disgusted.

"Yeah...I just don't want them to change me."

I looked at him confused, "How would they change you?"

Peeta looked at me with his brown doe eyes, "I don't know. They'd turn me into something I'm not. I just don't want to be another piece in their game. You know?" 

I nodded, "Does that mean you aren't going to kill anyone?"

"No. I'm sure I will, like anybody when the time came. But I keep wishing I could think of a way to show them that they don't own me. If I'm gonna die, I still wanna be me. Does that make any sense?"

"That makes a lot of sense," We looked at each other in silence for a beat.

"So I guess I'll see you tomorrow." 

A small smile crept to my face, "I'll see you tomorrow," I gave him a small hug and we went to our separate rooms


"They'll put all kinds of stuff right in the front. Right in the mouth of the Cornucopia," Haymitch informed me the following morning as we walked together to the room that would then transport me to the Arena, "There will be a pack of knives," I looked at him excited, "Don't go for it."

My face dropped, "Why?"

"It's a blood-bath Lily. They're trying to pull you in. That's not your game. You turn, run, find high ground, search for water. Water's your new best friend." I nodded, "Don't step off that pedestal early or they'll blow you sky high."

I nodded in understanding, "Got it."

The door opened to the outside, exposing the plane that would take me where we needed to be. I turned to Haymitch, desperately trying to get any other pieces of helpful information out of him before I left. "Lily, you can do this."

I smiled, "Thanks Haymitch." I turned and stepped onto the plane.

When I got inside the Capitol officials strapped me in. Then one of the women walked over to Rue, who was sitting in front of me, "Give me your arm," she ordered. Rue held out her arm and the woman injected something into her. Then she turned around and faced me, "Give me your arm."

"What is that?" I asked.

The woman grabbed my arm and injected "You're tracker," She told me as she walked away. I flinched when I saw it glow for a second within me.

Then we were flying. It was a few minutes before we arrived at the catacombs. Once we landed two Peacekeepers escorted me to my room. Cinna was already there waiting for me. I hugged him the second I got inside and the doors closed behind me. He had been so good to me and I had grown to be very close with him. He showed me the outfit he had picked out for me. I had an insulated shirt with a jacket that had two layers, boots that were simple and easy to move in, and insulated pants. 

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