Chapter 30

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Not even a few minutes after storming out of the room Boggs got a call on his earpiece. 

"I'm taking you to the aircraft floor. You're taking a trip." He told me.

"Well ain't that sweet," I rolled my eyes and kept walking, "Where am I going?"

"District 12."

I stopped walking, did I actually want to see what happened? Yes I did, I needed to know what the Capitol did; to see if with my own eyes. I picked up the pace so I was level with Boggs. We made it to the floor and waiting by the entrance to the aircraft was Gale and Katniss. I sped up and hugged her tightly, Gale joined in rubbing my back gently.

"I can't believe you're going through with this." Gale commented.

Katniss held me at arms length and spoke softly, "You can say no if you want to."

"I can't. I have to see what happened." I looked between the two of them.

"This way," Boggs gestured up the stairs into the aircraft. 

I started up the aircraft first with Katniss and Gale behind me. Boggs stood at the entrance and watched as the door closed behind us. We flew out and I was met with an immense forest all around us, it was a sight to see. It was hard to believe it was once where District 13 was once located.

"13 swept everything from top to bottom so you'd be safe," Gale told me.

"You sure you don't want us to go with you?" Katniss asked me as the door opened at the base of 12.

I looked at them solmnly, "I need to do this alone."

"We'll have our eyes on you from above." he told me as I slowly started walking out of the aircraft, it slowly rose off the ground causing a lot of dust to scatter. 

Looking around, I was very shocked at all the destruction and rubble. It was all ash and broken stone. I looked at the remains of the Justice Building, its title broken on the ground. Walking around I made it to a small sector of town, taking another step forward I felt my foot step on something harder than the dirt. Moving my foot I gasped at the sight of a cracked skull. I pressed my mouth shut so I wouldn't scream, but tears were rolling down my eyes and my whole body was shaking. Walking up the hill I saw so much more destruction, the bombs obliterated everything in the area. It was a terrible sight to see. My home was gone and there was nothing left over. There were burnt bodies and skeletons all over. All the poor people who I once saw on a daily basis were now unrecognizable in death. I broke down to my knees and slowly backed away from the instant cemetery. 

The one place that looked the least horrific in the whole District was the Victors Village. It looked untouched since I'd last been there. All the houses were still perfectly intact. All the furniture in my house was still immaculate, as if it were just waiting for someone to come back. Walking into the kitchen was were things got a bit messy, it looked like they were rushing to get the things together before they fled. I saw the jackets that we'd always kept hung on the hooks. They were Dad's and we moved them in with us when we transferred into the Village. I grabbed his brown jacket and put it on, his smell wasn't as apparent as it once was. I walked over to our medicine and herbs cabinet and started putting jars and bottles into my little bag. Mom and Prim could make use of it in camp. Suddenly there was a shatter of a glass behind me, I screamed and turned around helpless; but it was only the cat. 

"Of course you survived," I muttered; I had no clue how that little fur ball survived, but I was glad it did; Prim loved it to death. I walked over to it and grabbed the fat thing. It hissed at me as I put it in my bag, instantly making it a bit heavier. "Prim's gonna love to see you again." 

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